Is it just me


Jan 30, 2012
Or has most of the games had no buzz downs from upstairs or very few versus previous weeks? I made a comment in our game thread asking if the review guy called in to work today ? I know there’s been a lot of complaining about all the challenges and it slowing down games so it makes me wonder if there’s been a memo sent out. It reminds me of a few years ago where officials were told to not call holdings unless it was beyond obvious. That season we went games without one holding.

There was a third down catch in our game that should’ve been reviewed. But we ended up winning so who gives a ****.
I’m not talking just our game I’m talking all of college football. Drastic difference this week.
NFL review system is one of the few things better than college. Review turnovers/scoring plays and then give 2 challenges. Letting the booth call down whatever they want is ridiculous
They also have a somebody that buzzes down and makes a quick adjustment which save’s unnecessary challenges
Honestly, I think its nice to not have to hold the game up after every 5th play so that replay can "get it right" with a call that "stands."
Yeah I’m not complaining. It just seems obvious somebody passed on a memo.
Yeah I’m not complaining. It just seems obvious somebody passed on a memo.
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Or has most of the games had no buzz downs from upstairs or very few versus previous weeks? I made a comment in our game thread asking if the review guy called in to work today ? I know there’s been a lot of complaining about all the challenges and it slowing down games so it makes me wonder if there’s been a memo sent out. It reminds me of a few years ago where officials were told to not call holdings unless it was beyond obvious. That season we went games without one holding.
If so I’m all about it. Let them play.
the catch on the sideline by duke the play before the crazy one handed catch was clearly bobbled and incomplete. But no review
That was the one that stuck out to me and I had thought it was a completion. Even if replay doesn’t change the call, it was close enough to warrant a buzz and would have occurred (in my opinion) every single other nationally televised game I’ve watched this season outside of garbage time.

But they let it go when everyone and their mother, I think including the officials were expecting a buzz down and the Duke tempo had us reeling.

Ultimately, just a gripe and we took care of business but definitely felt ‘off,’
NFL officiating on the field is just far more competent. There's a lot more that needs correcting in college games.
Actually think George’s big catch on sideline was bobbled too but no review