irvin and uncle luke

Uncle Luke just basically outted Rosenhaus's scumbag tactics.

And apparently Streeter went out and spent some serious cheddar before the draft. Oops.
I agree with Luke saying Rosenhaus is preying on these kids, but I don't know why he has to bring the racial side into it. He's taking advantage of them b/c they come from economically challenged backgrounds and often their families do not have a good understanding of dealing with (potentially) lots of money. Rosenhaus would be doing the same thing to white, Asian, Indian, Cuban, etc kids if they were in the same boat. The fact that he is doing it to African American kids is b/c 1) they make up the vast majority of players in the NFL and 2) more African Americans in football are economically depressed than whites. I have no doubt he would do the exact same thing to a white player and his family if they let him.
And to answer Luke's question about how many of his Drew's clients were white in 'his whole history; maybe 2':

Anthony G. Becht
Jacob Bell
Adam Chandler
Dan Cody
Dan Conner
Kellen Davis
Rex Grossman
Chris Hanson
Justin Hartwig
Larry Izzo
Sean Charette
Greg Olsen
Jeremy Shockey

That's just a sampling I pulled (there are more); there's no doubt most of his players are African American, but considering the NFL is mostly African American, I dont think that really proves anything. I really wish people would educate themselves before saying this to such a large audience. Yes, Rosenhaus is a scumbag, but nothing he has done suggests he is trying to specifically target African Americans.
I agree with Luke saying Rosenhaus is preying on these kids, but I don't know why he has to bring the racial side into it. He's taking advantage of them b/c they come from economically challenged backgrounds and often their families do not have a good understanding of dealing with (potentially) lots of money. Rosenhaus would be doing the same thing to white, Asian, Indian, Cuban, etc kids if they were in the same boat. The fact that he is doing it to African American kids is b/c 1) they make up the vast majority of players in the NFL and 2) more African Americans in football are economically depressed than whites. I have no doubt he would do the exact same thing to a white player and his family if they let him.
hes not preying on anybody

is he a **** weasel scumbag? absolutely

but hes got a job to do and his ability to sell is what makes him among the best in his industry

secondly........not all of them are dirt poor ghetto kids.......look at streeter for example.......hes not from a single parent welfare home living with 4 other people in a 1 bed room section 8 apartment

sure hes a good salesman.......and thats why he has the largest client list and has landed some of the biggest contracts in history.....and the biggest things to being successful in sales is to sell yourself and convince people to do what you want/need them to do......which is precisely what rosenpenis does

but there is responsibility on the kids and parents as well

when your college coaches tell you that you arent ready and to at least wait for the NFL advisory board to get back to lose nothing by waiting 2 extra weeks to declare for the draft.......especially if you have an agent telling you that you will be drafted very early and knowing what the monetary difference could be if you arent.........thats just irresponsible and stupid on the part of the players

luke said that spence and his parents turned down money from drew

when they took money from him did anybody bother to ask what strings were attached to it outside of signing with him?

interest? repayment terms? what if he got cut and never made a roster? etc

did these kids even speak to any other agents to see what their opinion was?

they have a huge list of current and former nfl players........did they ask anybody who is a client of drews what they thought about him......or ask anybody who isnt a client of his why they arent?

thats basic due diligence and common sense

they didnt do their homework and they got screwed because of it
And to answer Luke's question about how many of his Drew's clients were white in 'his whole history; maybe 2':

Anthony G. Becht
Jacob Bell
Adam Chandler
Dan Cody
Dan Conner
Kellen Davis
Rex Grossman
Chris Hanson
Justin Hartwig
Larry Izzo
Sean Charette
Greg Olsen
Jeremy Shockey

That's just a sampling I pulled (there are more); there's no doubt most of his players are African American, but considering the NFL is mostly African American, I dont think that really proves anything. I really wish people would educate themselves before saying this to such a large audience. Yes, Rosenhaus is a scumbag, but nothing he has done suggests he is trying to specifically target African Americans.
he doesnt.......hes an equal opportunity ****bag.....but being based in miami.......its always been a starting point for him......and alot of those players will sign with him after starting with another agent

but its funny that you actually bring up some of his client list

when looking at his client roster........its easy to notice that he doesnt rep alot of QBs

QBs are usually regarded as the smartest players on the team.........does that mean they also do their homework when it comes to agents and know that hes a scumbag......or does it mean he typically doesnt try and recruit QBs as clients because he knows that many of them are smart enough to see him for the dirt merchant he really is?
I agree with Luke saying Rosenhaus is preying on these kids, but I don't know why he has to bring the racial side into it. He's taking advantage of them b/c they come from economically challenged backgrounds and often their families do not have a good understanding of dealing with (potentially) lots of money. Rosenhaus would be doing the same thing to white, Asian, Indian, Cuban, etc kids if they were in the same boat. The fact that he is doing it to African American kids is b/c 1) they make up the vast majority of players in the NFL and 2) more African Americans in football are economically depressed than whites. I have no doubt he would do the exact same thing to a white player and his family if they let him.
hes not preying on anybody

I disagree about the preying part. While certainly it is the responsibility of the players and their families and/or advisers to protect themselves, there is no doubt in my mind that he is willingly taking advantage of people that he is claiming want to help. I understand that everyone looks out for themselves and needs to do what they can to get by and he is a salesman, but when you are clearly taking advantage of people, convince them to load up with the risk and overall give them bad advice to aid yourself b/c they don't know better, it is preying.

It's the same deal with the banks and the loans that people signed. The banks took advantage of people that didnt know better, but the people who signed the agreements are at fault as well for signing something they didn't understand. The responsibility goes both ways for sure, but it doesn't change the fact that he was knowingly taken advantage of people which in my book is preying on someone.

And I should point out, I totally agree with you on the kids and families being dumb for not listening to coaches, talking to other agents, former players etc. Yeah, they were preyed on by Rosenhaus, but they have no excuse for being caught.
And to answer Luke's question about how many of his Drew's clients were white in 'his whole history; maybe 2':

Anthony G. Becht
Jacob Bell
Adam Chandler
Dan Cody
Dan Conner
Kellen Davis
Rex Grossman
Chris Hanson
Justin Hartwig
Larry Izzo
Sean Charette
Greg Olsen
Jeremy Shockey

That's just a sampling I pulled (there are more); there's no doubt most of his players are African American, but considering the NFL is mostly African American, I dont think that really proves anything. I really wish people would educate themselves before saying this to such a large audience. Yes, Rosenhaus is a scumbag, but nothing he has done suggests he is trying to specifically target African Americans.
he doesnt.......hes an equal opportunity ****bag.....but being based in miami.......its always been a starting point for him......and alot of those players will sign with him after starting with another agent

but its funny that you actually bring up some of his client list

when looking at his client roster........its easy to notice that he doesnt rep alot of QBs

QBs are usually regarded as the smartest players on the team.........does that mean they also do their homework when it comes to agents and know that hes a scumbag......or does it mean he typically doesnt try and recruit QBs as clients because he knows that many of them are smart enough to see him for the dirt merchant he really is?

Well, of the 138 players listed as his clients (on Wikipedia) 7 of them are QBs which works out to about 5.1% of his clients. The average football team keeps 3 QBs and has a roster of 55 players which works out to 5.5% so I don't think it's really fair to say he doesn't have that many QBs when they numbers are in line overall QB numbers in the league.
And to answer Luke's question about how many of his Drew's clients were white in 'his whole history; maybe 2':

Anthony G. Becht
Jacob Bell
Adam Chandler
Dan Cody
Dan Conner
Kellen Davis
Rex Grossman
Chris Hanson
Justin Hartwig
Larry Izzo
Sean Charette
Greg Olsen
Jeremy Shockey

That's just a sampling I pulled (there are more); there's no doubt most of his players are African American, but considering the NFL is mostly African American, I dont think that really proves anything. I really wish people would educate themselves before saying this to such a large audience. Yes, Rosenhaus is a scumbag, but nothing he has done suggests he is trying to specifically target African Americans.
he doesnt.......hes an equal opportunity ****bag.....but being based in miami.......its always been a starting point for him......and alot of those players will sign with him after starting with another agent

but its funny that you actually bring up some of his client list

when looking at his client roster........its easy to notice that he doesnt rep alot of QBs

QBs are usually regarded as the smartest players on the team.........does that mean they also do their homework when it comes to agents and know that hes a scumbag......or does it mean he typically doesnt try and recruit QBs as clients because he knows that many of them are smart enough to see him for the dirt merchant he really is?

Well, of the 138 players listed as his clients (on Wikipedia) 7 of them are QBs which works out to about 5.1% of his clients. The average football team keeps 3 QBs and has a roster of 55 players which works out to 5.5% so I don't think it's really fair to say he doesn't have that many QBs when they numbers are in line overall QB numbers in the league.
but how many are top qbs and how many are 2nd or 3rd qbs?

and since you broke down the % of qbs......why not break down the rest of his client list compared to NFL rosters
but how many are top qbs and how many are 2nd or 3rd qbs?

Are you suggesting that 2nd and 3rd string QBs are not as smart as 1st string ones; otherwise I dont see the point of this exercise. And then you have to start breaking down the other positions as well to have a fair comparison. If you really want to go through all that effort, by all means please do, but all you said was QBs, not 'top qbs'.

and since you broke down the % of qbs......why not break down the rest of his client list compared to NFL rosters

I don't really understand what that would accomplish; you stated that he doesn't have very many QBs as clients and I pointed out that the percentage of his clients that are QBs is about equal to the percentage of players on NFL teams that are QBs. Please enlighten me to how breaking down the percentages of other positions would change that the number of QBs he has as a percentage of clients is inline with QBs in the NFL or even how it would prove any other points.

We are both in agreement that he takes advantage of people that are less financially savvy and while I think most would agree that QBs do tend to be more intellectually gifted than other positions, the observation you pointed out just did not hold true in this case.

one thing i got out of this video is why isn't people like mike and luke in these kids ears about this. I love both of them but its great tht they bash them on radio but why aren' they talking to these kkids. i doubt that these kids would be so selfish to not listeen to former players and Luke. people always say that we have great allumni and they are always around campus but why aren't they mentors to these kids.
drew is doing his job, if they do their job they both will be rewarded. Yes he makes sure their egos are up but what else is he supposed to do? Hes a salesman and a **** good one

and on streeter you know what they say "no one learns money management when they come into a lot of it"
I mean I'm pretty sure nobody forced these guys to sign with Drew before they heard back from the NFL.

Golden tried to warn them, but ultimately they have to live their THEIR decisions.
Luke said the $50K was an ADVANCE. An advance is something that you may be dumb enough to take up front, but know that every penny has to be paid back. It's paid back out of your eventual contract.

Drew is a salesman. Plain and simple. He'll exaggerate, manipulate, mislead, promise, and outright lie to get a client. If a really talented, proven player has a universal high draft placement, he'll approach them differently than he'll approach someone who's moderately attractive to the NFL.

If he can get his cut by BS'ing financially immature kids, he'll blow in their ear, give them a reach around, and wave some cash in front of their face.

Whatever it takes.

There's two kinds of folks, regardless of age. There's the ones who will take a prudent approach and seek advice from numerous experienced sources prior to making a life-changing commitment, and then there's those who already know everything they need to know.

The second group are generally characterized by impatience, the need for immediate gratification, the need to show off, and only think in the short term.

Gee. That sounds like what we lost in these early declarations.

The best part is they screwed themselves a whole **** of a lot more than they screwed the team.