interesting stat on steve morris

He needs to learn the art of the check down and let his playmakers do the work. That cannon for an arm of his is almost a liability.

All of the above. Combination of all of it. Injury/mechanics, decision making, overcompensating, lack of checkdowns, ability to see the whole field.. Etc.

He has to play better if we're going to have a chance the rest of the way, patricularly with FSU, VT. Can't have the QB play bad and hope to beat those two teams. Got to have your Senior leading the way for 4 quarters. It's absolutely maddening that he doesn't check down as much as he might. I don't know if I can handle the Wild Thang impersonation against the Noles or Va Tech.
Not trying to turn this into another Winston thread, but on most of his throws, they look easy because the WR's are usually fairly open. He's making good choices, making safe throws. A lot of the throws are short, 7-10 yards mostly, but there's a big difference between 3rd and 2 vs 3rd and 10 or longer, which is the situation Morris has been putting himself into. He has to have check downs. Everyone of the receivers can't be that tightly covered, that he has to put it into a tight window all the time.