If Golden and Coach D were that great of friends


Dec 6, 2012
Coach D would see the writing on the wall and take the pressure of his friend and either resign or ask to take a demotion. That's what Dave Yost did at Mizzou last year as the O-Coordinator. He stepped down bc the fans and boosters wanted his head. 1 year later Mizzou is in the SEC championship and running a very balanced O compared to the old spread that worked in the Big 12 with Chase Daniel. It wasn't gonna work in the SEC. Gotta play to your strengths and coach D never adjusted and also has no feel for calling a D during a game. He literally was always calling the wrong D at the wrong time. You would think you would get lucky every once in awhile but we never have against anyone worth a ****.
Don't know much about you example Texas A&M did just fine in SEC running a passing spread.

I do agree that Corch D should do his bestfriend a solid and decide he'd like to spend more time with his family.
D'No's ego it TOO big for him to step down, he will have to be fired and they will call it a resignation!