IDK if anyone posed this question yet...


Jan 29, 2012

@3:01 he says how he's been doing this test for 7 years, and he's never had this many guys this strong. They continue to work out as we speak, and will continue throughout the summer. I understand the lack of explosion present currently on offense, but as far as our o-line and d-line go, our lb's and rb's, i really feel like we can win alot of games simply byt being the more physical team.

The fact that Coach Golden is saying he's never seen this many guys this strong is pretty significant, IMO. It makes me think it is more likely we win 7-8 rather than 6-7. There will be one or two games this year when we simply wear another team down (KState comes to mind immediately).

It's been a long time since we out physical-ed opponents at the University of Miami. Maybe getting those 3 and 2's we did not get last year makes up for the lack of explosion. I think 8-4 is a realistic goal this year. We may not make it but I think it is realistic.
He's working with a much better baseline than he ever had anywhere else.


@3:01 he says how he's been doing this test for 7 years, and he's never had this many guys this strong. They continue to work out as we speak, and will continue throughout the summer. I understand the lack of explosion present currently on offense, but as far as our o-line and d-line go, our lb's and rb's, i really feel like we can win alot of games simply byt being the more physical team.

The fact that Coach Golden is saying he's never seen this many guys this strong is pretty significant, IMO. It makes me think it is more likely we win 7-8 rather than 6-7. There will be one or two games this year when we simply wear another team down (KState comes to mind immediately).


Yeah, no doubt. Strngth numbers have jumped, and I think not going to the ****** bowl and possibly losing it was the best thing for this offseason. Only thing that bothers me about the strength number that we'eve been hearing about is how Junior Alexis and Corey King are among the strongest on the team only after being there one year. What are those other big boys doing?

Also agree with Patrick though. About 8-4 is where I see this team realistically. Over/Under that I think would be a head scratcher. Yeah, there are gaping holes on D but our D is still serviceable enough to keep us in most of those games scheduled barring any barrage of injuries.
He's working with a much better baseline than he ever had anywhere else.


This. Golden probably has never worked with players that have the pure athleticism at the players he's coaching now. His previous players worked better as a TEAM, but weren't as individually gifted as the players he coaches now, and hopefully, in the future.
He's working with a much better baseline than he ever had anywhere else.


This. Golden probably has never worked with players that have the pure athleticism at the players he's coaching now. His previous players worked better as a TEAM, but weren't as individually gifted as the players he coaches now, and hopefully, in the future.

I somewhat agree with this..I do think the caliber of player is alot higher on average than @ temple, but that doesn't necessarily translate into being strong in the weight room. That comes from getting in there and doing the work you need to do. At Miami he def. has more speed, but the kids still have to lift the weight, and apparently the team has really stepped it up in that dept. this offseason.

I'm going to reserve getting too optimisitc until after fall camp, when our entire roster has had a chance to compete, but the team we had this spring was substantially more physical at the point of attack than the roster we fielded @ the beginning of last season. That alone brings hope, IMO, for a better season this year.
It's all about the basics. The foundation. If you don't have a good, strong foundation, anything thereafter is skewed.

Mind set. Got to get that set first. Mindset enables everything else to build on. I like Golden in that he knows the sequence. Knows the progression.

Discipline is an acquired characteristic. Learned. If you don't have strength physically and mentally, then you won't have the capacity to obtain endurance. Strength and endurance are the foundation, as no matter your skills, if you can't outlast and subsequently outperform your opponent, your skills and speed won't matter after a couple of quarters.

And we've seen the results the past several years.
He was talking about a phase of testing where he's never had that many guys pass that phase of testing. It was a CUT SCENE so that doesn't necessarily mean he meant strength numbers. That would be impossible as he's constantly said the team needs to get stronger.