I want Manny to say it.....


Redshirt Freshman
May 4, 2017
Say that its Money being thrown around by big name schools and until the NCAA or FBI does something about it, it will continue.
As long as the hoes keep hoein and the dice keep rollin, the money gonna keep goin.
If it's as clear as day (and it certainly is), then no one should have to snitch for the NCAA to take action.

No, The NCAA has to come down as a whole. It's clear they are allowing illegal federal offenses happening in our eyes. But now the NCAA and ESPN dont really give a **** because it's not like anyone is going to jail.
Realistically, the NCAA coming down as a whole will never happen. Too much money involved and covers more than just football. And with all that money, they can hire the best accountants and lawyers in the business to defend ANY of their actions..
Never do anything you don’t want anybody to know around this mf lol. What happen to the your mom and bro and the irs building this case? Guy is a clown
You would risk ****ing off a lot of people that could steer a lot of players away by snitching on others gravy train. NCAA knows what is happening, most likely Emmert was a POC with Saban at L$U that is why he seemingly has a pass.
Why do you want him to say it? Would just create an unneeded news story focused on what he said, which would not help our football program in any way and make us look whiny.
Correct, Miami would get eaten up in the media about this. In terms of national perception, we are the poster child of paying players in the past.