Hurricane Boosters


Oct 21, 2011
Now that this thing is put aside, I'd like to address Hurricane boosters. Earlier in the season, I had the opportunity to go to a BBQ put together by a supporter of the program. Older dude. Been around the program for 35+ years. I heard him talk with disgust over this entire situation. How it wasn't the boosters' role to party with the players or ever be on camera. Just support the program. Just win. That stuff hung with me because I've never been able to wrap my brain around the weird motives of the unnamed troll that sparked this mess.

My concept of a booster has always been the guy who supports the program from behind the scenes. Enjoys the victories over a scotch at his home or with his buddies at the stadium - not at the Club on South Beach with the players. The only pictures of a booster and Hurricane players are a few framed photographs (kept in a den or office) from the field after National Championship games.

The few of you I know are already friends of the program or the other group here that has the opportunity to become supporters of the program, for the love of God, please let's get it together. We sucked at cheating once. I wouldn't even call miso soup and some of the ridiculously dumb things that were done for the players full-blown violations.

We're about to enter another great period in Miami Hurricane football.

100% agree. Great post. And all you Bentley driving ****'s start donating so we can get a new stadium.
Now that this thing is put aside, I'd like to address Hurricane boosters. Earlier in the season, I had the opportunity to go to a BBQ put together by a supporter of the program. Older dude. Been around the program for 35+ years. I heard him talk with disgust over this entire situation. How it wasn't the boosters' role to party with the players or ever be on camera. Just support the program. Just win. That stuff hung with me because I've never been able to wrap my brain around the weird motives of the unnamed troll that sparked this mess.

My concept of a booster has always been the guy who supports the program from behind the scenes. Enjoys the victories over a scotch at his home or with his buddies at the stadium - not at the Club on South Beach with the players. The only pictures of a booster and Hurricane players are a few framed photographs (kept in a den or office) from the field after National Championship games.

The few of you I know are already friends of the program or the other group here that has the opportunity to become supporters of the program, for the love of God, please let's get it together. We sucked at cheating once. I wouldn't even call miso soup and some of the ridiculously dumb things that were done for the players full-blown violations.

We're about to enter another great period in Miami Hurricane football.

It would take a mental health professional to explain people like Nevin Shapiro. Don't try to understand him. Just know that there are plenty of sick people like him running around. Young, impressionable athletes can be easy prey to these ********. I wish I knew what the answer is.
My father and I just became Golden Cane's this year... we go to every game from daytona beach to support this great program. We drink a couple pops before hand and enjoy the game. The U compliance doesn't mess around with anything after all this broke out they are very on top of this stuff and I have to credit them for that. I don't think we could have joined at a better time. We are being led by a great A.D, great coaches, and a great staff at the University of Miami to bring us back to the top. It is pretty cool to walk into the Schwartz Center or walk on to Green Tree with the banners around the practice field you will see how much progress we have already made in a matter of 2 years. Our A.D and Coaching staff's have a vision and we have needed that at the U for a while
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