How good does 6-0 feel now?


Jan 1, 2012
****. How awful it would be to be 5-1 this weekend.

Feel like we dodged a bullet, won a game with everything going wrong, and are sitting pretty, watching ranked teams going down.

That was the game we lose every year the past 12 years!


Feels great Smokey. Just don't want these one losers jumping us or staying ahead of us.

Cliche by now, but Nov 2 will fix all that. One way or the other.
Shhhh, keep it DL.

Some want Al to fail. Don't support Al because that would be a homer.

This team deserves it, let's rape Wake Forest next Saturday.
6-0 feels good man!

Just keep winning. It's nice watching the talking heads show their obvious hatred for Miami. Makes you realize the program is relevant again.
I wonder how we'd match up against a UCLA or Stanford. Feel like these two teams in particular never play any tough OOC games.
Not gonna lie...all these teams losing conference games on the road has me feeling a lil bit better. I hope Morris responds with a great game Saturday against Wake!!
**** all those ******** who held it against us that we won a close game on the road. That's how I feel after watching all these close games and upsets.
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Not gonna lie...all these teams losing conference games on the road has me feeling a lil bit better. I hope Morris responds with a great game Saturday against Wake!!

At the end of the day, staying healthy and winning the game are what matters most. Let's hope Morris will fix these issues at Wake.
Not gonna lie...all these teams losing conference games on the road has me feeling a lil bit better. I hope Morris responds with a great game Saturday against Wake!!

At the end of the day, staying healthy and winning the game are what matters most. Let's hope Morris will fix these issues at Wake.

hopefully we get a little luckier in this department in the coming weeks