Golden statement


Nov 5, 2011
I have been a college football coach for more than 18 years and I am proud of -- and I stand by -- my record of compliance over that span. As my colleagues and players on all of my teams can attest, I believe strongly in doing things the right way with the best of intentions. The inferences and suggestions in the Yahoo! Sports story that my conduct was anything but ethical are simply false. I, like all of us at UM, have cooperated fully with the joint NCAA-UM inquiry and will continue to do so, so that our program and our University can move forward.

Because the process is on-going, I am unable to address any specifics or answer questions on the matter.
Who to believe, a man with an impeccable record or a man that was in bed with a ponzi schemer? Hmmmm?
Cane Fan ‏@hcanes100
@CharlesRobinson You trolled the wrong ****. You going to get exposed. I can't wait.
That's my head coach sadto.gif
I have been a college football coach for more than 18 years and I am proud of -- and I stand by -- my record of compliance over that span. As my colleagues and players on all of my teams can attest, I believe strongly in doing things the right way with the best of intentions. The inferences and suggestions in the Yahoo! Sports story that my conduct was anything but ethical are simply false. I, like all of us at UM, have cooperated fully with the joint NCAA-UM inquiry and will continue to do so, so that our program and our University can move forward.

Because the process is on-going, I am unable to address any specifics or answer questions on the matter.

That's my coach. Stand strong, AG. You got this.
well since golden cant answer questions about this, I guess we are going to have to deal with this for the next month.