Give #3 a ticker tape parade down Ponce Leon Blvd

There are beginning to be rumblings about this. I think in the next 5 years we will see it change.
Does Miami stack scholarships? Meaning, athletic + academic or financial aid or other schollies to get around the 11.7? I know Rice and Vanderbilt do. I know Tulane does not, and that was one of the reasons David Pierce jumped at the Texas job, but Tulane just hired Vandy's Associate Head Coach, so there is talk Tulane is going to start doing this. I know one thing Rice does is allows baseball players to use a Hispanic Student Scholarship on top of an athletic scholarship.
Does Miami stack scholarships? Meaning, athletic + academic or financial aid or other schollies to get around the 11.7? I know Rice and Vanderbilt do. I know Tulane does not, and that was one of the reasons David Pierce jumped at the Texas job, but Tulane just hired Vandy's Associate Head Coach, so there is talk Tulane is going to start doing this. I know one thing Rice does is allows baseball players to use a Hispanic Student Scholarship on top of an athletic scholarship.

Hold on......if a kid comes in with a strong academic background, Tulane doesn't give academic money on top of the athletic scholarship in equivalency sports? That's bizarre. That's the first I have ever heard of any school approaching it that way.

Edit: I believe you, I just have never heard of it. I know kids who went to play at a dozen different schools in Florida and they all received some combination of various types of aid.
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I do have to call BS on the guy in the story, though. It costs $150,000 to attend Coastal Carolina for four years as an out of state student. Is he telling us that he didn't receive one penny of any kind of financial aid AND his parents didn't pay one penny to CCU in four years? Impossible. You can't be poor AND not get any need-based aid.

The only people I knew at UM who didn't qualify for financial aid were the multimillionaires. Literally every other student received some kind of aid.
They'll give maybe $10,000 financial on top of a partial athletic, but Tulane costs $60,000 now. 15-20 years ago when it cost 35K, this worked fine. Today, it doesn't. It's leaving baseball players on the hook for 10, 15, 20K per year

Tulane has done everything in its power over the last 50 years since leaving the SEC to shoot it's self in the foot athletics wise. Up until 5 years ago it was virtually impossible for the football team to get junior-college transfers. The school makes it very hard to transfer credits even for athletes
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From a Tulane baseball player's father

1. At Tulane you are allowed to combine scholarship money and academic money. The tuition package this year is about $67,000. Say the staff offers you 50%. Your baseball money would be $33,500 (the scholarship is figured on the entire package, including room and board). Say Tulane gives you academic money of $10,000, then the total package would be $43,500 and the academic money does not count against the baseball pool of money.

2. Same scenario as 1 above but you don't have a lot of money and you apply for need based income. Lets say the need based income comes in at $34,000. The total package for the athlete is $34,000. Need based income of $34,000 would be reduced by the academic money $10,000 making need based income of $24,000. None of this applies against the baseball pool of money. The catch is that at Tulane, you cannot combine the scholarship money and need based money. It is one or the other. Since need based income was greater that scholarship money, no scholarship money is awarded to the athlete.

3. At Vandy, Rice, Virginia, etc., combinations above can be combined in just about any way to offer most of these kids full rides.

4. I spoke to Sean Allen two weeks ago and he said need base income and scholarship money will not be combined as of now and he didn't see that changing anytime soon. He did say that academic money and need based income may get a break where those two can be combined. So in example 2 above, the total package would become $44,000 ($34,000 need based plus $10,000 academic).