This should be a much bigger story. Two weeks in a row on the SAME ******* DAY as the game?

"In the immortal words of Leroy Jethro Gibbs [puts on a deep voice] 'I don't believe in coincidences'."
Anthony DiNozzo, NCIS
Let's not let facts get in the way of a good story. Per the ACC Covid-19 rules, all teams must test 3 times per week. FSU's 3rd test on Friday is handled by an independent 3rd party so they have no control over the process which is why they're getting the news late in the day.

Teams should get their testing and results before traveling. Last week Clemson traveled with a Covid-19 positive player. This week UVA traveled and FSU comes up with Covid snake eyes.

The reality is that the virus is in our communities at an alarming rate. Because there is such a high rate of infection, player's exposure has increased significantly and that's why we're seeing so many games get canceled. Unfortunately, this trend is going continue because there will be more cases of Covid-19 after the Thanksgiving holiday.

Buckle up, mask up, and lets get to the other side.
Is this the first time they used this lab? Did they take this long in the past? If they did, then FSU knew that if they ran across a situation like this, they be in a position to ***** over visiting teams. If the lab I contracted just cost me $300,000, you can bet I'd be finding a new lab.
This is clearly a decision by the FSU administration to avoid playing games and losing the rest of the season. This is the biggest pussy**** I’ve ever seen from a CFB program - worse than UiF though this seems like something they’d do too.
Exactly! They need to be exposed as the pu$$ies they are. Just forfeit the games... This is them trying to save face and not take embarrassing L's to hurt whatever is left of recruiting.
I’m not a big believer in conspiracy theories at all, but this time I’m all in.

They could easily arrange to get the results on Friday before the visiting team traveled. It can be done. Take my word for it. I am extremely familiar with the testing involved.

I believe they are deliberately delaying the results until the next day so it looks like they had no choice - they may even be maliciously causing other teams to incur unneeded expenses. This is ridiculous
I’m not a big believer in conspiracy theories at all, but this time I’m all in.

They could easily arrange to get the results on Friday before the visiting team traveled. It can be done. Take my word for it. I am extremely familiar with the testing involved.

I believe they are deliberately delaying the results until the next day so it looks like they had no choice - they may even be maliciously causing other teams to incur unneeded expenses. This is ridiculous
I’m not a big believer in conspiracy theories at all, but this time I’m all in.

They could easily arrange to get the results on Friday before the visiting team traveled. It can be done. Take my word for it. I am extremely familiar with the testing involved.

I believe they are deliberately delaying the results until the next day so it looks like they had no choice - they may even be maliciously causing other teams to incur unneeded expenses. This is ridiculous
How many other teams have canceled on the day of the game because their test results were late?
Let's not let facts get in the way of a good story. Per the ACC Covid-19 rules, all teams must test 3 times per week. FSU's 3rd test on Friday is handled by an independent 3rd party so they have no control over the process which is why they're getting the news late in the day.

Teams should get their testing and results before traveling. Last week Clemson traveled with a Covid-19 positive player. This week UVA traveled and FSU comes up with Covid snake eyes.

The reality is that the virus is in our communities at an alarming rate. Because there is such a high rate of infection, player's exposure has increased significantly and that's why we're seeing so many games get canceled. Unfortunately, this trend is going continue because there will be more cases of Covid-19 after the Thanksgiving holiday.

Buckle up, mask up, and lets get to the other side.
After having read your posts, I have to genuinely ask if you think all sporting activities should cease as a result of Covid-19.
We just missed two weeks in a row. I guess that makes us pussey's also.
Pvssies, not pvssy's. The use of the apostrophe signals possession. Two examples for your edification:

@rch and his boyfriend are serious puvssies -- they won't go out after dark and sleep with a night light.

The quoted pvssy's post wreaks of semenhole ball gargling.

You're welcome.
After having read your posts, I have to genuinely ask if you think all sporting activities should cease as a result of Covid-19.

His posting history says yes. I went round and round with him back in August, this guy did not want football to be played. Period. He is one of those people that thinks we should all be locked in our rooms until 2022
Semenholes....I guess you can't expect anything else from a school that is literally a clown school.

As far as some of our "fans" here....they can't help outing themselves as semenholes fans. Pathetic.
I don't give a flying fvuck if it true or not!
It looks like the are puss1ng out of playing and that's good enough for me.
If it hurts my rival (the semenholes) It's good enough for me.
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