found something intresting, something to think about


Feb 21, 2012
New bowl a death knell for ACC!!!
It might not be the start of Armageddon in college football, but Friday’s announcement that the Big 12 and SEC are forming a partnership, which would pit their champions in a future New Year’s Day bowl game, has sent even more conference realignment ripples throughout the sport.
Some industry insiders suggested Friday that the Big 12 and SEC are only protecting themselves in case the sport is eventually reduced to four power conferences. Given the current state of the Big East, further contraction to four megaconferences seems more possible than ever before.
If the Big East can’t survive on life support, where will its teams go? And if the Big 12′s latest power move makes it even more appealing to a school such as Florida State, would the ACC survive without one of its most high-profile members?
“This could be Day 1 of Armageddon in terms of four-conference conglomeration,” a college football power broker told on Friday.
The Big 12 and SEC’s version of the Rose Bowl won’t have a midafternoon kickoff in front of the picturesque San Gabriel Mountains in Pasadena, Calif. It won’t have more than 100 years of tradition and won’t be called the “Granddaddy of Them All.”
But the new Big 12-SEC bowl game might end up being a better football game. Since the BCS era began in 1998, Big 12 and SEC teams have combined to appear in 12 of the last 14 BCS National Championship Games and won 10 times. If you haven’t heard, the SEC has won six BCS national championships in a row.
Starting on New Year’s Day 2015, the champions of the Big 12 and SEC will meet in a New Year’s Day bowl game. Acting Big 12 commissioner Chuck Neinas said the leagues hope to play the game on New Year’s Day night, but the site of the game is still to be determined.
The game might be played at the Fiesta Bowl in Tempe, Ariz., or the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans, which have been the traditional BCS hosts for the Big 12 and SEC, respectively. Or the new Big 12-SEC bowl game could be offered to the highest bidder — i.e. Atlanta or Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas.
Big 12-SEC Debate
“The two conferences may just build their own bowl,” Neinas said, in an interview published on on Friday. “I wouldn’t say that’s the primary idea, but the point is the two conferences are working together and will explore it thoroughly and come to an agreement as to what we feel is in the best interest of the two conferences moving forward. It’s a true partnership.”
It sure seems to be a short trip from bitterness to partnership these days. Not too long ago, the Big 12 was peeved the SEC raided its league for Missouri and Texas A&M, which are joining the SEC this coming season. Now the SEC is helping the Big 12 re-establish its power in college football.
“It’s a time when postseason football is undergoing some changes,” Neinas said. “It’s an opportunity for two conferences, both of which are very proud of their football programs, to get together in a partnership and establish what should be an exciting and high-quality annual postseason game.”
What’s the ACC going to do? Is its champion going to play the Big East champion in the postseason? That matchup has really worked out well for the Orange Bowl. Maybe they’ll increase the stakes by giving the winner an at-large invitation to the NCAA men’s basketball tournament.
Where’s Notre Dame? Will this latest merger of power finally force the Fighting Irish to do something? Like maybe join a conference? ACC commissioner John Swofford’s first phone call Friday should have been to Notre Dame athletic director Jack Swarbrick. The ACC and Notre Dame might really need each other if they’re going to survive in the post-BCS era.
And what about the depleted Big East? It’s pretty clear the Big East is no longer sitting at the same table with the ACC, Big Ten, Big 12, Pac-12 and SEC, after it lost Pittsburgh, Syracuse, TCU and West Virginia to other leagues. Now the Big East might not even be sitting in the same room as the other BCS conferences.
“Right now, you’d have to make an honest assessment and say since the BCS era has begun the two conferences which have produced the teams to play for the national championship more than any other are the Big 12 Conference and the SEC,” Neinas said. “The quality of play is well-established and as the postseason unfolds, what better way to conclude New Year’s Day than with a prime-time game between the champions of these two conferences?”
Will this merger cause another round of conference expansion? It’s too early to tell. But the Big 12 probably never looked better to Florida State. And how long will the Big 12 sacrifice millions of dollars in lost revenue by having only 10 teams and not playing a conference championship game?
Odds are we’ll probably never see the champions of the Big 12 and SEC play each other in a New Year’s Day bowl game. The chances of seeing even one of them playing in the new bowl game are probably slim to none because the champions of those leagues will undoubtedly be participants in the aforementioned four-team playoff. If that happens, the No. 2 teams from those conferences would play in the new bowl game.
Two of college football’s strongest conferences just got even stronger. And the ACC, Big East and possibly Notre Dame lost much of their footing in the post-BCS landscape.
Seems to me this could be the start of some serous shifting in CFB. The two strongest conferences at this point are now making the rules.
What CaneCounty said. A strong Cane team will always garner national attention.

The ACC will be just fine.
I disagree. This has nothing to do with winning, its all about money. The more you have, the more you can spend to upgrade your facilities and image. If FSU does move, I think the ACC is dead.
I disagree. This has nothing to do with winning, its all about money. The more you have, the more you can spend to upgrade your facilities and image. If FSU does move, I think the ACC is dead.

IMO you're completely off base, Miami is the perfect example, winning made Miami not money or facilities.
Miami is a brand, similar to Notre Dame, the interest is still there. That's what makes Miami attractive, there are only a dozen or so teams that have the kind of pull they do as far as interest and viewers.
Some conference will scoop Miami up, I want someone to tell me one conference that's fans wouldn't go see their team play Miami?
Miami has traditionally filled other teams stadiums when they come to town.
The BCS BS is a bust, and just ticks off everyone.

This is a move in the right direction as it integrates a playoff system of sorts.

Problem is, even those SEC/Big12 Champions will STILL have to win against other highly ranked teams. In the meantime, they're busy knocking each other off in the process.

With a winning program, independence trumps mutual elimination in big conferences.

In spite of our crappy win/losses in past years, in spite of being ranked very poorly for the upcoming season - you'll note that the Miami games are big deals to television and other teams.

Because Miami is ALWAYS considered a dangerous team, a team with PERSONALITY, a team that is greater than the sum of the parts, and the most widely recognized logo in College Football.

I really don't give a tinker's **** about FSU going anywhere. They're so busy shooting themselves in the foot right now that with all the balls they have in the air at the same time, they don't know whether to **** or wind their digital watch.

You watch. Notre Dame, an independent, will write their own contracts, make their own money, and NEVER be left out of the National Championship picture.

Miami would do well to watch, learn, and be prepared to go independent.

We start winning, and we'll pack stadiums all over the country. We'll be on TV 9-10 games a year.

You want money? You keep your own first. And then get some of everyone else's.
You guys are wearing really dark shaded orange and green glasses.

The SEC doesnt was us. Why? Because they already have Florida covered. That is why there is also no FSU to the SEC talk. Its all about money.

And we would never go independant again. Those days are done.
f**k the SEC and UF... we were suppose to join the SEC this year but that ****** foley didnt want us in.
Looks to me like acc and big east will likely merge. This sounds terrible, but I only care about the u. They moved for more money. Uf shouldn't want us or fsu in the sec. I doubt we go independent. I also agree that if we can start winning again we can write our ticket again. I think the acc is heading towards the old big east. We do have a great brand. Could we along with a few schools actually end up in a new conference? Like new as in not in existence today? I think anything is possible.
Yes, likely we won't go independent again.

But it's a good business move. A small, private school with a big name, participating in the National football picture, as an independent.

The CFB scene is in transition. Soon, one way or another, there will be playoffs. And as more money is to be realized with each playoff game, more teams will participate in larger playoff numbers.

You get ahead of the curve, you not only survive, but you thrive. As other teams realize the benefits of independence IN A PLAYOFF SYSTEM, then they'll be playing catch up.

Everyone says it's about the money.

Then quit fartin' around, and get the money.
I would wait and see how they determine the "four" participants in this new playoff before saying we will be fine in a dead football conference. The scene is definitely shifting.
Looks to me like acc and big east will likely merge. This sounds terrible, but I only care about the u. They moved for more money. Uf shouldn't want us or fsu in the sec. I doubt we go independent. I also agree that if we can start winning again we can write our ticket again. I think the acc is heading towards the old big east. We do have a great brand. Could we along with a few schools actually end up in a new conference? Like new as in not in existence today? I think anything is possible.

Wouldn't surprise me one bit.