Football . . . Let's talk some football?


Nov 2, 2011
I'm a teacher. I teach students with disabilities math. We finished box and whisker plots along with range, median, mode, mean, etc; What do you think our range will be when considering wins and losses? A ten win season imo is a pipe dream. I also think a three win season is an unlikely nightmare. I dont think the range of wins in 11 in other words! I think a terrible year is 5 wins, though I dont think I really believe we would only win 5. I happen to think 8-9 is probably the max, so I think our range is likely to be 3-4 games. We will not be the most talented team on the field in most of our games next year. I like Golden alot, but it did take him some time to get it going at Temple. I think my way too early prediction for wins is at the number 7. I have no idea what we will be like health wise compared to other teams, and that is a big factor.

What are your thoughts and why?
6-7 wins. 8 would be a nice surprise and 9 would be A++++. no way we win 10+

5 is possible but probably won't happen. I think the results will be similar to last year but we'll get there in a much different way. Defense should be much better but the offense will struggle big time until a few guys prove that they are a legit threat. I dont see those guys on the roster right now (maybe Scott and/or cleveland). we will be expecting/hoping for true FR to come in and contribute right away. that is not a recipe for a good season.
yes, and we have for almost 10 years. the experience and talent level on this team is at the lower third of the last ten years I'd say. hopefully the other intangibles are significantly improved to make up for the lack of talent and experience
I had a wolf I got as a cub, and eventually reached seven feet long and weighed 178 pounds. I didn't teach him a damned thing about hunting, listening, or stalking, and he was unbelievable, even as a cub. Not raised around dogs, he didn't learn to bark. Once they get an early taste for blood, they want more.

We beat Kansas State, we'll carry the confidence and hunger enabling us to stomp GT.

We beat GT, and we'll play with unholy confidence against FSU.

True enough, there are elements of set, mean, median, mode, and of course confidence percentage which you add into your calculations.

There is also the principle of cascading. Early big wins will cascade into later big wins.

Lets see how we do early. It will largely determine how we do late.

Yeah, we're young. But we have some good talent, and I'm just looking forward to seeing them in the field. Likely to have some pleasant surprises.
I'm a little higher on this team then most but that's because I'm really high on Morris. I think the defense is better this year with another year in the system.

I think 6-6 at worst (maybe lower if Morris gets hurt) and 10-2 at best. I'm going with 8 wins to be on the safe side.

The key is getting off to a good start. Would be nice to be 4-1 (or better) heading into ND.
6 wins no bowl game cause of NCAA and losses early due to the teams inexperience and jitters in oppening game but they will get better as they settle into the season but... its to late