FNI Q&A 9/29

Also I was at St Thomas vs Carol City so I’ll talk about that but if you guys want to know anything specific ask away.
If a Winnebago leaves Seattle at 10:00 am heading south / southeast toward Miami at a speed of 59 km / hr and a bus leaves Miami at the same time heading north / northwest toward Seattle at a speed of 49 mph.... where will they intersect and when?
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Cool here we go ....

1. I'm hearing DJ Scaife may see a return to LT, Campbell back RT , if Zion continue to struggle.
2. What's the word on Miller Merriweather-Lewis and Cesar Reyes recruitment (alas Canes)
3A. In your opinion: What are your feeling about Carol City and Hurricane's staff relationship.
3.B (same question ) In your opinion: What are your feeling about BookerT players and staff and Hurricane's staff relationship.

4. What the chance or % of NCAA giving the Canes back AsaMartin scholarship , which would allow the Canes to sign 27 instead of 26 ?
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Echoing 1cn on Lewis and Reyes, are we starting to pursue any more local or general Floridian O-linemen for this class? We need 3 more. Marlon Martinez? Going after Michael Rankin? Anyone?
If a Winnebago leaves Seattle at 10:00 am heading south / southeast toward Miami at a speed of 59 km / hr and a bus leaves Miami at the same time heading north / northwest toward Seattle at a speed of 49 mph.... where will they intersect and when?
The answer is C
Is the new recruiting method the reason we are taking all these 3 stars? Manny figuring the 3 star will do anything to get a scholarship and won’t bolt🤷‍♂️