It takes a special kinda ******* to start threads like this and another type to let it happen.
Never get past the sweet sixteen with Larranaga
Watching two inferior schools in Notre Dame, and Syracuse advance to the elite 8. The coaches would of had them more prepared for Villanova. I'm telling you. Larranaga is a good coach, but not the guy who will get us to the promise land.
Watching two inferior schools in Notre Dame, and Syracuse advance to the elite 8. The coaches would of had them more prepared for Villanova. I'm telling you. Larranaga is a good coach, but not the guy who will get us to the promise land.

Die in a tire fire
Watch us have another great year like 2012 and this year. Then get demolished against a more well prepared team. Bash me all u want, you will see it next year. I'll bump this thread too
Watch us have another great year like 2012 and this year. Then get demolished against a more well prepared team. Bash me all u want, you will see it next year. I'll bump this thread too

Please, do us all a favor and stop associating yourself with the fanbase and university. If you're local, you probably were too stupid to get into UM or any of the other 7 state schools. Maybe you did a few semesters at Dade and are now working the graveyard shift at McDonalds. Must suck.