fivethirtyeight projects....

Kansas with best chance of winning the title at 21%.

They give Miami (FL) a 33% chance of beating Nova, a 10% chance of making the Final 4, a 5% chance of making the final 2, and a 2% chance of winning the title.

Yeah, well...they have KY and MSU waaay ahead of us too....I think our odds are a little better than

Hard to really blame them...they have us at 17th on that list or so? They are obviously looking at strength of regions, match-ups, etc.....

The one great positive that I'm looking at is that we haven't played our best against Buffalo and WSU. WSU better for sure....but not our best. I just hope we are ramping it up and hitting a late season stride. 538 is basing that off of the only thing everybody has seen, wild swings of inconsistency in effort and execution.
