First Post [Kiko Mauigoa’s Performance]

So I’m clear, I am not mad at or mocking @Geemoney11 for what I think is a fair topic. I am having to lock multiple threads talking about the game during the game instead of the discussions being channeled to and taking place in the game thread as they are supposed to during games when the board is supposed to be locked.
So I’m clear, I am not mad at or mocking @Geemoney11 for what I think is a fair topic. I am having to lock multiple threads talking about the game during the game instead of the discussions being channeled to and taking place in the game thread as they are supposed to during games when the board is supposed to be locked.
That was always the case before why did it change. Is Andrew just lazy?
Got to be careful how we deal with him as his brother is one of the better players on the team and could go play anywhere he wants.