Fire Julio Frenk

i hate the guy, but the logic behind his hire was actually there. shalala screwed up big time with the cedars purchase (massive overpay that tanked the university's finances) and frenk was brought in to fix the mess because of his med background. they didn't count on him forgetting that he wasn't in the northeast anymore and that our donors come from both sides of the political spectrum.
100% spot on with both of your posts. I also heard the thought that he would raise money from Latin America played a big role, but that obviously has not happened as the only thing this boob is competent at is coiffing his hair.
100% spot on with both of your posts. I also heard the thought that he would raise money from Latin America played a big role, but that obviously has not happened as the only thing this boob is competent at is coiffing his hair.

i had hopes for him until he started issuing his personal sentiments on behalf of the entire university. then i started working there and saw him three times in two years (and two of those times were at commencement). dude is a phantom.
I've been wondering when this was gonna get brought up.. this guy is just as horrible as blake james

another rah rah rah guy like diaz, all mouth and no substance

the whole university is snowballing down with this guy at the helm, who was the admiral we should have hired again?
Halsey. Admiral Halsey.
take it from someone that worked on the academic side: julio frenk is a clown. no one respects him. he has an upper administrative staff of ***-kissers just waiting for him to move on. the board doesn't care for him. he's lost millions in donations because of his insistence on pushing social justice and political agendas (remember when the ipf was fully funded and we suddenly had to crowd source?). he's an absentee president that lets his retarded underlings run the university into the ground. shalala was a mixed bag, but at least she was on campus and visible.

so how does this work? Y’all who makes the decision to fire him?
so how does this work? Y’all who makes the decision to fire him?

board of trustees can choose not to renew his contract (no chance in **** they terminate it and i don't know how long he's signed up for), he can retire, or he can do something monumentally stupid and be fired for cause. on the second point, even if i was still working there, they wouldn't give us a shred of input on anything at that level anyway.
Just so you know where his priorities are, his first major undertaking at the university was inclusivity issues for LGBTQ students

What are you talking about? That's got football and academic supporter written all over it. Oh wait
Nearly every university is doing the same thing right now.
Unless you are in the SEC. That's why they are on top of the football universe.
He constantly calls out Trump for his BS. The red snowflakes on the board would have had a meltdown if he was hired.

No, they'd deflect to Shalala and Strawley.

Fear of females in positions of power tops the SAM mindset. In September nobody knew Jennifer Strawley existed. Now she's the demon and cause.
Is there any chance the ACC would kick Miami out of the conference? I feel like that is the only thing that might wake some people up at this point.