Official Fall Camp PractiSe #6: Tuesday, August 8th

But it at least cools down a little at night there, right? When I lived in Orlando, the summer days were hot as **** with no breeze but at least it would dip back into the mid 70's at night time and you wouldn't sweat your *** off if you went out to a bar or restaurant. Here it's 83 when I wake up and that's the coolest it's going to be all day.
Bithc what 70's are you talking about . I was born an and raised in Orlando. What 70's are you referring to because thats not a thing. We have had heat advisories for last 4 days. 111 heat index. My best friends mom just died yesterday. let's not talk about things that are not 100. Not coming here to bring bad News but it's my boys mom . There is no 70's at night here. not even close.

By the time we play tamu there will be literally an entire game of film for them to watch. Is Mario playing fort Knox here because Miami of Ohio is scaring him?

What does Miami of Ohio do to people?

I know it’s not about that, I think it has to do with saying **** you to the Miami media. My sense is a special pull out section that could hurt recruiting, during our biggest recruiting weekend of the year, might have a little something to do with it. Just a thought.
Miami weather has always been insane...

88° at 8AM in the morning with 90% humidity so thick you can cut through it with a butter knife.
Then it fckin Thunderstorms at 11:30 for 15min- to half hour til 12:00...
Then by 12:30 its 93° - 95° for the rest of the day till around 6 or 7 when the Sun finally goes down & it’s mid 70’s at night with a really nice cool breeze.

The worst daytime weather in the country, while simultaneously having the best nighttime weather in the country.

I don’t miss it for one second lol
Bruh I used to go for jogs in the morning but these past two weeks im like *** no man ill get baked out here
We oger here fighting over weather now?

homer simpson GIF
season 6 GIF
Maybe Mario is trying his hardest to resist temptation of making this thing a navy seal boot camp and is trying to take care of his guys health. Considering injuries gutted us last year
Nah. They be outside. One of the players almost slipped up In an interview when asked how long they practice outside. Definitely seemed like he was thinking of something to say that doesn't make Mario look bad.
Every where below the Mason Dixon line is hot and humid during summer months. I done spent summers In Georgia. FLORIDA, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana. All them ***** hot and humid. I live in Richmond, Va atm and it's hot af here too
Yea, I’m from outta state. But trust me when I say, I understand heat. Im from South GA. Somehow, we manage to have Fla heat…. without the occasional ocean breeze. Don’t make sense mane.
Every where below the Mason Dixon line is hot and humid during summer months. I done spent summers In Georgia. FLORIDA, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana. All them ***** hot and humid. I live in Richmond, Va atm and it's hot af here too
You got that right.
Drinking water was a privilege afforded to us players who collectively had a good practice and the source of water was a pipe that had holes connected to a water hose. Our coaches, including legendary Walt Frazier, begrudgingly allowed us to take a couple of sips before returning to our OL group. I will never forget this plus the smell of the locker-room after a week's worth of two-a-days...PAUSE (am I doing this right?).
So true. I knew Coach Frazier. Definitely was a disciplinarian. The Conductor. Great memories 👌🏽