Let's look at the two. 1. MARYLAND: 9 players, 7 starters, 5 on D, the 2 most important on team SUSPENDED and UM still led with 4 mins to go. UM had 10 penalties, 3 horrific, critical drops, several overthrown wide-open receivers, and McGee gave up a 52-yard TD. Half the fuggin team was suspended and you hang it all on Golden because of a DE converted to LB out of sheer desperation who otherwise would not have been on the field? No way. SUSPENSIONS, A COMPLETE LACK OF DEPTH and poor EXECUTION cost UM that game, not Golden. If the full squad is there and they stick to the season avg. on penalties, and play like they did the next week when most were back, UM wins by 14 and Robinson plays DE.
The suspensions excuse flies out the window when you're talking about a 2-10 team. Boston College starter 2 true frosh DT's, a true frosh wlb, a true SS and 2 true frosh cb's say big mins and they still beat maryland. Morris beat abetter maryland last year as a starter and the suspeneded had nothing to do with Mike James fumbling and maryland returning it for 6. Robinson played LB all year so your made up notion about him playing DE is false. How many drops and wide open WR's did maryland miss?
Even with the suspended player Miami still loses b/c of an inept defensive game plan/play calling and several coaching blunders. Miami also played a huge amount of player on D so your depth excuse flies out the window and that also shows the coaches weren't to fmilier with personel, another coaching blunder.
2. K-STATE, which apparently no longer is part of your argument: Four drops, countless missed tackles, COUNTLESS WHIFFED BLOCKS, two CRITICAL first quarter penalties on the K-State 17 yard line (Figs/Feliciano false starts) so UM had to take a FG and 8 tries from inside the 5, with a dropped pass for the win? Lack of EXECUTION cost UM that game.
I could easily blame the false starts on coaching since you want to credit the coaches with getting penalties down. Having your worse blocking TE in the game and running behind him in short yardgage situations is a coaching blunder. Calling a "stop qb snaek" defense with everyone lined up inside only to have the offense run an option for 30 yards on third and short is a coaching blunder. Again, k-state had dorpped passes and missed tackles so that evens out. K-state had less coaching blunders which is why they WON THE GAME.
Critically, from a consistency and logic perspective, if its not on Golden when Ray Ray did not execute his assignment vs. VT, it is not on Golden when the OL did not execute vs. K-State. Similarly, if its not on Golden when Ray Ray did not execute his assignment vs. VT, it is not on Golden when half the team stayed home vs. Maryland and the half that did show up did not execute. And in both cases, the lack of simple execution cost UM the game more than anything Golden did. I'm just sayin.
Clearly you don't understand the differnce between a coaching blunder/play call/ personel usuage and a player blowing an assignment. Having your worse blocking TE in the game AND CALLING A RUN PLAY BEHIND HIM IS A HUGE COACHING BLUNDER (misuse of personel). That's much different than Armstrong not getting over and helping mcgee over the top.
Some of you need to learn that just b/c something makes logical sense doesn't mean it makes football sense. Miami lost those 3 games due to serious coaching blunders.