*******, Eh!! Who wants to play a first round game in Boise?????


[]_[] Forever
Jun 3, 2016
Cold as ****!!! But we CANES would love to play a 1st round game there. Nope, we staying ******* home. ****.

fast times at ridgemont high minds GIF

sean penn conversation GIF
This isn’t a first round game. It’s the mountain west conference championship game. And if Boise wins, they’re not going to host a first round game. But they might get a first round bye, which is just about the dumbest ******* thing I’ve ever heard.
Not giving the byes to the top4 in the rankings dumb as ****. You're going to see way more #5/12 seeds in the championship game than you should I think
It’s the dumbest ******* thing imaginable. Oregon is 12-0 in a power league and if they lose a fluke game tomorrow by 1 point, they don’t get a bye and Boise does. Makes total sense.
And you know that’s exactly what Penn St wants. A slow, long drive, fist fight. Psu is going to punch Oregon in the mouth tomorrow and see how they deal with it and a steady dose of Singleton and that other back.
I'm pretty much checked out of college football the rest of the season. I want to be engaged but the product and the system is so deeply flawed with no desire to fix it because it helps people who want money and power obtain money and power. Hate it all. Hate our coordinators and coaching, hate our conference, hate that ******-committee, hate the ESPN pundits--all of it. Flush it and start over.
Does anyone really think we are stopping jeanty? I’m not even sure we score at will on them.

We had over 500 yards 10 times this season. Yes, we are scoring at will on them. But Jeanty is awesome and I’m sure he’d make our DBs look like middle schoolers.
I feel like I’m watching an fcs game right now. Yes more stops than Syracuse and their defense looks like a mountain west defense.
Our defense looked like a junior high defense and that might be generous. I think this guy murders us and keeps our offense off the field just enough to win.
We had over 500 yards 10 times this season. Yes, we are scoring at will on them. But Jeanty is awesome and I’m sure he’d make our DBs look like middle schoolers.
Fair point - however the offense disappeared for almost an entire half each game this year. I think Boise rides him and keeps our O out of rhythm - even before Dawson sticks his head up his *** during the 2nd and a 3rd quarter. And yes, I know I’m moping - I consider it my therapy.