Duke is cleared for WF

That kick triggered either a concussion or concussion-like symptoms. You don't take a player's hat away for a migraine. UM's not taking any chances with concussions after they did that self-laudatory video with 3 Penny. Imagine they put Duke back in the game after doing that video talking themselves up as putting the kids first and being on the forefront of the concussion movement and he starts vomiting on the field and twitching?

I get it. Just curious if it was a concussion or some variation. I was hopeful it was triggering a migraine as opposed to something worse.

Everyone's got concussion-phobia these days, Alfonse. 2 years ago he takes the same shot, and he would have been right back in the game.

It is crazy, just hoping this kid can catch a break and stay healthy. A ding here, a ding there, could you imagine if he didn't get kicked in the head against UNC?

He was on pace to our run Edge somewhere in the 4th quarter.

I love Dallas Crawford. The dude's got nuts the size of cantalopes. But if Duke played that whole UNC game, he would have had 300 yards rushing easily. Some of those 8 yard runs that Dallas was cranking out Duke would have gone for 50 or 60. There were some holes bigger than TP801's distended **** that night.

Extreme Lilz

Not sure it works that way. I think your either susceptible to migraines or your not. Not sure if it can be related to originate from playing sports. I haven't heard that but not sure either.
Has anyone had migraines specifically from football or another sport? Just curious to how they affect people.
Duke has always had migraine problems since high school

That's what I remember. Migraines are *****. I use to think they were just bad headaches, but they are not. Serious bad crap. Prayers for Duke; he is just about my alltime favorite player. Kid is just cool.

He has thrown a ton for protection blocks for Morris this year. Flipped DEs left and right in every game, but this is at least he's second knee to the head. He needs to start yelling, Watch out!, and be a little less sacrificial.
Not sure it works that way. I think your either susceptible to migraines or your not. Not sure if it can be related to originate from playing sports. I haven't heard that but not sure either.
Has anyone had migraines specifically from football or another sport? Just curious to how they affect people.

Migraines can be triggered by many different factors. For me, dehydration, light, and stupid people (I get a lot of migraines reading this board) are my triggers. I was playing golf once and didn't bring water. Really sunny day, and I got paired with some racist dbag from Tampa. By the 6th green, I had double vision and was puking all over the place. I had to call a cab because I couldn't see to drive. Bad ones are completely incapacitating, and only sleep and lots of water will get rid of them. Mild ones can be controlled with ibuprofen with no major effects on daily functionality (albeit uncomfortable). I wouldn't wish them on anyone.
That is good that it is a migraine and not a concussion.

It wasn't a fcking migraine. He got kicked in the head and then they took his hat right after that.

Did that kick trigger a migraine?

That kick triggered either a concussion or concussion-like symptoms. You don't take a player's hat away for a migraine. UM's not taking any chances with concussions after they did that self-laudatory video with 3 Penny. Imagine they put Duke back in the game after doing that video talking themselves up as putting the kids first and being on the forefront of the concussion movement and he starts vomiting on the field and twitching?

Ummm, if you have a real migraine you aren't playing football. If you can still play football, it's not a migraine. A lot of people think a real bad headache is a migraine, and those people are wrong.
Personally, I can't understand why we keep Duke in to block blitzes.
You don't ask Secretariat to plow a field or tow a covered wagon.

I have to imagine we can go two tight ends move one in motion to become Morris' blitz protection and send Duke out in the flat or on wheel routes.

Having him stay in to block 250+ pound defensive ends is ludicrous.
Personally, I can't understand why we keep Duke in to block blitzes.
You don't ask Secretariat to plow a field or tow a covered wagon.

I have to imagine we can go two tight ends move one in motion to become Morris' blitz protection and send Duke out in the flat or on wheel routes.

Having him stay in to block 250+ pound defensive ends is ludicrous.

So if an opponent is showing blitz we call timeout and sub Duke out?
Personally, I can't understand why we keep Duke in to block blitzes.
You don't ask Secretariat to plow a field or tow a covered wagon.

I have to imagine we can go two tight ends move one in motion to become Morris' blitz protection and send Duke out in the flat or on wheel routes.

Having him stay in to block 250+ pound defensive ends is ludicrous.

Pretty sure blocking blitzers is part of being a RB buddy.
That is good that it is a migraine and not a concussion.

It wasn't a fcking migraine. He got kicked in the head and then they took his hat right after that.

Did that kick trigger a migraine?

That kick triggered either a concussion or concussion-like symptoms. You don't take a player's hat away for a migraine. UM's not taking any chances with concussions after they did that self-laudatory video with 3 Penny. Imagine they put Duke back in the game after doing that video talking themselves up as putting the kids first and being on the forefront of the concussion movement and he starts vomiting on the field and twitching?

Ummm, if you have a real migraine you aren't playing football. If you can still play football, it's not a migraine. A lot of people think a real bad headache is a migraine, and those people are wrong.

Disagree with your post DaveT. Some migraines are worse that others. Percy Harvin is an example. You can have a migraine and still function. Some people who have a migraine, with headache, with aura, can lose vision, have disabling headaches...etc. I personally have migraines with aura, without headache. I didn't believe migraines without headache were possible until I was seen by a specialist. Was wondering why I was losing vision in one eye and feeling numbness on the right side of my face, arm and hands. Turns out to be migraines. BL, not all migraines are disabling and crushing headaches.
Personally, I can't understand why we keep Duke in to block blitzes.
You don't ask Secretariat to plow a field or tow a covered wagon.

I have to imagine we can go two tight ends move one in motion to become Morris' blitz protection and send Duke out in the flat or on wheel routes.

Having him stay in to block 250+ pound defensive ends is ludicrous.

Lol @ secretariat analogy