Duke fans are still whining

The comment section is ruthless on the author of this whine. Even the Dookies are embarrassed.
These are some of the best comments

I am sorry for your experience, but as a Wake grad who attended Duke Law and went to several games decked out in Wake gear, I can assure you that the Cameron Crazies are not the class act you make them out to be in this article (I also have to say that passing out cheer sheets does not make a fan base "witty").

Shouting 'ooooooooh'? Pointing at players?

****, modern-era Picassos

Right, it's much classier to have signs like "JR Can't Reid." The attitude in this column is why everyone hates Duke.
Or this..

You're kidding, right? You went into a student section as a graduate student of the home team wearing the visiting teams colors and didn't expect to get razzed? Student sections of any school, even your beloved Cameron Crazies, are rude and insufferable to those who wear the opposing teams colors/jerseys in their midst. It's called common sense.

Oh - and I agree with the sentiment below. Cameron Crazies are not the exemplary group you hold in such high esteem. Being rude and insecure are not exclusive to Miami...especially since you decided to write a letter to your undergraduate newspaper.