Did anyone catch Patchan jump head first of the top board


May 19, 2012
This weekend.He was the only one I saw on videos all others were guys jumping feet first.There was talk in the summer wether he tore his acl and would miss the season but I can't see him diving like that if the knee was not 100%.

He dove off the high dive. Didn't land very well and looked like it hurt. Would take some big cahonies to try it though. It was pretty funny.
Crazy. Could snap your neck if you hit the water incorrectly. Kid was playing with fire.
Crazy. Could snap your neck if you hit the water incorrectly. Kid was playing with fire.

Yep, but to even attempt that and the coaches to allow him to go that high I got to believe the knee is fine because he could have easily hurt the knee too.
Saw him walking around at the camp and he looked fine. He has added some real good weight too. My guess is he just tweaked the knee was concerned he hurt it bad again.
Yea, I agree Odin. You hit that water real hard and with a recently operated knee that **** could make it spaghetti tendons.
I dove 3-meter springboard and 10-meter platform for years in high school and while at UM. Actually got hurt worse on the 3-meter but that's another story. Off the 10-meter platform you hit the water at around 28 mph. May not sound that bad but if you don't hit somewhat vertical you'll feel it. Can't ever say I had any issues where knees or ankles were hurt or seriously affected. Biggest issue tended to be the back. Tore a muscle once and spent 3 of the most painful days of my life flat on my back on a hard couch. But the most painful shot, including hitting pretty flat a few times, is when you go in feet first leaning slightly forward and wind up with your nuts for a bow tie. Now that is painful!