Dewan's Scholly


Nov 30, 2011
Will Dewan remain on full scholarship to work toward a degree?? Or, will the school consider this ruling an opening to cut him loose.
Assuming there is interest in him over there. Might not be a sure thing, especially right away (meaning maybe he'd be looking at next Fall).
Assuming there is interest in him over there. Might not be a sure thing, especially right away (meaning maybe he'd be looking at next Fall).

He can get playing time in europe. I have seen tons of guys worse than Dewan play on teams over there. Even if he can't play right away why would he waste his time studying and going to classes when he could just practice ALL day until euro league tryouts?
So, we'll have another scholarship to fill.

Even if he decided to stay on scholarship I am sure there is a way to have it not count towards the allowed basketball schollys since he isn't playing. Just like you have all those guys who need to retire from football, but don't count towards the scholarship limit like AR, Malek, etc.
I am sure Dewan will finish out this season and explore his options in the future when the time arrives. Pulling his scholarship would be a PR disaster for Miami and completely unnecessary as you cannot use it right now.
I read that the U and Hernandez's lawyer are appealing the decision and hoping to get him back this year...we sure could use him.
From what I've read, it seems a long shot. I think at least one appeal of the ineligiblity decision has already been rejected. Nothing to lose though, so go for it!!
Cyrez, I wasn't advocating the school taking his scholly. Just posing a legit question they will face.

Personally, I'd like to see him hold on to his scholarship until he graduates, or for two more years -- whichever comes first. I doubt they do THAT though.
There is no question that they will not touch his scholarship if he wants to continue to benefit from it
There is no question that they will not touch his scholarship if he wants to continue to benefit from it
I don't know what kind of student he is but ... I'd like to see him leave UM with a degree and then go to the G League or Europe.