Dewan Huell Arrested

arrested for this?

According to an exclusively-obtained police report, Huell walked into his ex-girlfriend's dorm room at FIU uninvited. He found her hiding in the closet with another man.

Police say Huell grabbed the man by his shirt and dragged him out of the room, which left the man with scratches on his chest and neck.
arrested for this?

According to an exclusively-obtained police report, Huell walked into his ex-girlfriend's dorm room at FIU uninvited. He found her hiding in the closet with another man.

Police say Huell grabbed the man by his shirt and dragged him out of the room, which left the man with scratches on his chest and neck.

Should be made team captain for this.
**** man he should know not to cuff these shones he need to get down with the 7th floor crew
He got arrested for dragging a dude by his shirt? Weak sauce.

Probably one of those situations where the police are called, and have to charge someone with something, just to justify the physical activity of responding.
Any man hiding in a closet to avoid another man (and one that is kinda wiry at that) should be arrested on the spot under some sort of antiquated law against public displays of effeminate traits. Huell should be commended for his restraint.
My sauces telling me that this story is fabricated a little bit he has a history with this girl since 9th gradel...its not as bad as the reports say
my dude out here a star basketball player at big time school, fresh out of high school and he sweating a broad who straight playing him and want to get mad at dude for getting his easy chick?! Someone need to teach this man some game ASAP or he gonna get played all his life. Think if he get some nba money
my dude out here a star basketball player at big time school, fresh out of high school and he sweating a broad who straight playing him and want to get mad at dude for getting his easy chick?! Someone need to teach this man some game ASAP or he gonna get played all his life. Think if he get some nba money

Teenagers fighting over girls seems pretty normal. That's not a thing anymore?
Meh. He didn't hit a woman and that dude with "scratches" is a *****. Lol at that being "battery"

Suspend him for a few games or something