Dejan Latest

9 of 12 from 3 is 9 of 12 from 3

Not really. If you put me in an empty gym and gave me a basketball, I could probably hit 9 of 12 from 3 with some practice.

Sign him up, folks!

/and no, you could not do that in a game

You must have missed the part that said "empty gym."

And you must have missed the part that he wasn't in an empty gym...

It was closer to an empty gym than shooting over some 6'5 5* athletic freak on UNC or Duke. Like I said, nice stats, but the level of competition is relevant.
Just for information The BigV league uses the FIBA 3 point line which is about 1 1/2 feet further out than the college line.
Not really. If you put me in an empty gym and gave me a basketball, I could probably hit 9 of 12 from 3 with some practice.

Sign him up, folks!

/and no, you could not do that in a game

You must have missed the part that said "empty gym."

And you must have missed the part that he wasn't in an empty gym...

It was closer to an empty gym than shooting over some 6'5 5* athletic freak on UNC or Duke. Like I said, nice stats, but the level of competition is relevant.
