2026 DE/DT Landon Davis Apex Friendship 6’1 264 lbs

Jan 11, 2019
I know we have a lot of eyes in different spots of the country, so I wanted to bring this kid to the board, he’s a family friend up in North Carolina.

Landon Davis is a class of 2026 prospect that plays at Apex Friendship in Apex, NC. He is currently 6’1 264 lbs has a max bench of 325, max deadlift of 405, max squat 365 and can already rep 225 16 times. The kid is a jacked 265. His dad is 6’9 350+ and his uncle is the same 6’9 350+ so there’s potential for this kid to be a monster.

He just started playing football 2 years ago and played basketball his entire life. Played Varsity last year but didn’t get much burn because they had a bunch of seniors so he doesn’t have any real high school film. Already drawing interest from NC State and Wake Forest. I am going to try to meet him in in Florida for a few camps so he can compete against a different breed than he is used to in NC. He’s in line to start the next 3 years, so I’ll post highlights and updates along the way.