Dana Holgerson


Dec 21, 2012
Dude coaches with passion for sure and wish we had some more of that as it's been way too long. However he came across as immature, whiny and out of control at times. Yelling at his players trying to settle him down "get off of me". Wasn't a one time thing and didn't have a good look to it at all as it was an all game thing with the cameras picking up on it and showing every time it happened. Perfect fit for WV
Zero emotional intelligence. Compare how he reacted to how Fuente reacted tonight to some of the worst officiating I've seen. And VTech responded in the second half by destroying Ark while WVU...
Was that serious?

I mean I always knew him as the dude with a goofy combover who took over for rich rod.

But that was another level clown show. The ****?
Dude coaches with passion for sure and wish we had some more of that as it's been way too long. However he came across as immature, whiny and out of control at times. Yelling at his players trying to settle him down "get off of me". Wasn't a one time thing and didn't have a good look to it at all as it was an all game thing with the cameras picking up on it and showing every time it happened. Perfect fit for WV

See I honestly believe this guy lost the team. Watch the game again with about 6 minutes left in the first half. Dude really starts to lay into his players. Sure they made mistakes but my goodness. He turns around and completely walks away from his team running a play. The flood gates open shortly after as he begins ripping his QB a new one..... I don't think it's cooincidence that the game fell apart after that. He lost his team and the team lost the game. Really really ugly coaching if you ask me.... that's what really made the difference. Sure we made some good plays but mentally they were out of it.
Dude coaches with passion for sure and wish we had some more of that as it's been way too long. However he came across as immature, whiny and out of control at times. Yelling at his players trying to settle him down "get off of me". Wasn't a one time thing and didn't have a good look to it at all as it was an all game thing with the cameras picking up on it and showing every time it happened. Perfect fit for WV

See I honestly believe this guy lost the team. Watch the game again with about 6 minutes left in the first half. Dude really starts to lay into his players. Sure they made mistakes but my goodness. He turns around and completely walks away from his team running a play. The flood gates open shortly after as he begins ripping his QB a new one..... I don't think it's cooincidence that the game fell apart after that. He lost his team and the team lost the game. Really really ugly coaching if you ask me.... that's what really made the difference. Sure we made some good plays but mentally they were out of it.

Great point Scott! Even Tom Lunginbill the espn sideline guy said "Dana, knows he has to move on to the next play". He spent one entire drive yelling at the officials. I would never send my son to play for a guy like that.
Dude coaches with passion for sure and wish we had some more of that as it's been way too long. However he came across as immature, whiny and out of control at times. Yelling at his players trying to settle him down "get off of me". Wasn't a one time thing and didn't have a good look to it at all as it was an all game thing with the cameras picking up on it and showing every time it happened. Perfect fit for WV

See I honestly believe this guy lost the team. Watch the game again with about 6 minutes left in the first half. Dude really starts to lay into his players. Sure they made mistakes but my goodness. He turns around and completely walks away from his team running a play. The flood gates open shortly after as he begins ripping his QB a new one..... I don't think it's cooincidence that the game fell apart after that. He lost his team and the team lost the game. Really really ugly coaching if you ask me.... that's what really made the difference. Sure we made some good plays but mentally they were out of it.

Great point Scott! Even Tom Lunginbill the espn sideline guy said "Dana, knows he has to move on to the next play". He spent one entire drive yelling at the officials. I would never send my son to play for a guy like that.

Never said the parents of a certain WR that recently committed to them.
Dude coaches with passion for sure and wish we had some more of that as it's been way too long. However he came across as immature, whiny and out of control at times. Yelling at his players trying to settle him down "get off of me". Wasn't a one time thing and didn't have a good look to it at all as it was an all game thing with the cameras picking up on it and showing every time it happened. Perfect fit for WV

Yeah him telling his player to get off him was crazy. At one point he walks away from the qb who was asking him about a play. The qb had to call him back over to get an answer. It was like that all night and I was loving it bc I knew we had it in the bag, just from watching their coach
Emotion is too often equated to passion. when it's not always passion or indicative of passion. What you saw with Holgerson was not passion. That was a loose cannon loosing it. Giving up on the game and his players.

Give me fierce execution all day. With a passion for perfection. Over some nut yelling on the sidelines 24/7.
He looked like a complete psycho.

I don't know how a parent could send their kid to play for him.
Dude coaches with passion for sure and wish we had some more of that as it's been way too long. However he came across as immature, whiny and out of control at times. Yelling at his players trying to settle him down "get off of me". Wasn't a one time thing and didn't have a good look to it at all as it was an all game thing with the cameras picking up on it and showing every time it happened. Perfect fit for WV

See I honestly believe this guy lost the team. Watch the game again with about 6 minutes left in the first half. Dude really starts to lay into his players. Sure they made mistakes but my goodness. He turns around and completely walks away from his team running a play. The flood gates open shortly after as he begins ripping his QB a new one..... I don't think it's cooincidence that the game fell apart after that. He lost his team and the team lost the game. Really really ugly coaching if you ask me.... that's what really made the difference. Sure we made some good plays but mentally they were out of it.

Great point Scott! Even Tom Lunginbill the espn sideline guy said "Dana, knows he has to move on to the next play". He spent one entire drive yelling at the officials. I would never send my son to play for a guy like that.

On top of it, I think I read on the WVU message board that he or his coaches were actually fighting with WVU fans during the game and that Seider went over to the fans who were yelling real personal stuff and tried to settle it down...during the game!
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He alone took any chance for his team win. Instead of focusing on the next play. He ranted for entire another drive.

I said it in another thread. I am so glad we never hired this guy.
He was upset that he had to be in Orlando so long and away from his goat. Dana and his goat are very close.
That's one guy that should never be given a hunting lic or gun... LOL... I do believe if he had one during the game he would have shot a couple of refs... and maybe his QB... "I said, run 23,23,23,23 !!! but but but coach I thought you said, 25"

The man needs meds.