D’Marcus Adams Tweet

So what he’s saying is, come to FSU, we aren’t very good and won’t be very good and you can get immediate playing time b/c the guys on the team now suck.

I wonder how the upper class men at FSU feel about this tweet. He’s basically stating the guys here now suck, you can come in and play.


This is so absurd and illogical. Nobody outside of Alabama has more 4 and 5 star recruits on their roster than FSU. If one is worried about competetion, that's not where you'd go.
Thats funny...dude basically said Miami is more talented than FSU so if u want less competition dont go to the U. Dumbass...
FSU can have all the kids with that type of attitude - it will make future games even easier when they quit after the 2nd quarter.

This staff has not only shown the willingness to play young players, it has shown it will rotate a lot of guys to get even more depth and experience.
Yet there the team stacked with 5 star players. Go to the team thats scrambling to find help because they cant develop the players that every school in the country was after.
You know you're back when a kid trolls you about how he's scared to compete and he somehow makes him think he's cool. Lol this clown thinks being a loaded team is a bad thing. Have fun FSU