Coach Richt

with Tra Battle


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For a two week period in time, he made Miami truly relevant. I told anyone who would listen I wanted Bama after that Notre Dame game.

I think that feeling might be the closest we get to a ship ever again.
Good coach but even more of a great human being. If this world was full of more humanity and morality than individualism, racism, hatred, greed and glorifying ratchet behavior this world light years ahead of what it's current state is.
And CMR got us our only Coastal Division "championship" as well in 16 tries.

(Thanks UM administration)
Golden technically won one but we chose to defer.

That said we were lucky to have Richt, because he brought us back to national notoriety and helped our program to turn a tremendous corner in terms of resources. Now we need someone like Mario, who knows what next-level championship football programs look like as a player and asst. coach to bring his experience and passion back home.