
May 21, 2015
Just a little input and my humble opinion. I did play high school baseball for Bill Bergeron in the early 70's. HS school coach who was a baseball genius. He played for Duke baseball and was teammates of **** Groat (Major league All Star for 10 yrs). Watching Morris coach is very hard for me. He is the Al Golden of football. I don't care what anybody here says to defend him. He is very unsound, makes very poor decisions, and he constantly hurts his team. Yes, I caught and played ball at UT but that means nothing. MANY OF YOU HAVE ALOT OF BASEBALL ACUMAN and I respect your opinions. Morris is a MAJOR LIABILITY to this program just as AG was to football. So last inning you bunt with one of your better hitters with a man on first with no outs. How did that turn out? Had a chance to bury BC and we scored 2 runs. Not impressed at all with his managerial skills or shall I say lack of skills. Now the CANES ARE LOSING and Coach Morris has a lot to do with that.
At the expense of sounding like I'm talking out of both sides of my ***!
I believe #3 has done well with the program in years gone by. I also think that some of his decisions at times have been questionable and haven't worked out. I think we should have gone for the jugular and curb stomped them. We do need a new voice. It is coming in a few years. Hopefully Canes snap out of it and send #3 out a winner.
Sorry, like him or hate him but hes nowhere near Golden's league. Hes won a championship, won the ACC regular season this year, and is on the verge of back to back CWS trips...that in and of itself throws that comparison out the window. If that was Golden's resume he would still be here, thankfully that's not the case.
Past his prime. This program has fallen so far behind UF and FSU in recent years that it's pathetic. I don't see us winning much even if we get to Omaha.
You all are too hard on Morris. Only 46% of national seeds are making it to Omaha these days. Besides we won the really tough thing, we won the Coastal. God forbid we lose tomorrow.