Coach Golden Deserves Patience

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I actually laughed at the 10 year process post. Why is the UM admin posting on this board?
Did somebody just say ten year process?

At least. If you want to build something that stands the test of time, well, that takes a firm foundation, and pillars, lots of pillars.

Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. It took centuries, and a bunch of slaves.
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If we can win 8 games this year that will be major improvement. I would be happy if we can give FSU and Clemson good games and be in it for the Coastal into November.

If we only win 7 or less, then I agree with OP. I think we should maybe get rid of Williams and/or D'Onofrio. We need to make a power move like that.

Please tell me you're being sarcastic.
If we can win 8 games this year that will be major improvement. I would be happy if we can give FSU and Clemson good games and be in it for the Coastal into November.

If we only win 7 or less, then I agree with OP. I think we should maybe get rid of Williams and/or D'Onofrio. We need to make a power move like that.

I think we should just demote D'Onofrio to LB coach out of respect to him and his dedication

If he goes 5-0 in the next month then I'd be satisfied.... Win the rest of the games as well. Beating Fsu , Clemson is a must for me. We get by those two and we might really go undefeated in the regular season. Unc, va tech, ga tech don't look good and Duke has made leaps from what they were years ago.
Lay off the paint chips
We're in year 5 of a 10 year process. Sure, lots of successful coaches can come into a program and excel quickly, but Golden isn't trying for some quick fix. He wants to build the foundation of something truly great. Something akin to when he was a player at Penn State.

Did Joe Pa and his assistants believe in easy answers? Nope. They knew that true greatness came when you stripped yourself down and took the hard path, repeatedly. That's the type of thing that turns boys into men, and programs into dynasties.

Golden is all about doing this the right way, and, in his experience, the right way isn't about asking questions: questions like, why can't we beat any teams worth a ****, why the **** don't you fire an inept defensive coordinator, or, why is coach spending so much time in the locker room with those kids?

Slow and steady guys slow and steady

There seems to be alot of jesting in this thread, but I wholeheartedly believe that this is the year that we start to see the results of the process. Now that we're starting to be able to see from out from behind the cloud, and the type of depth we can have with a greater compliment of Golden players on defense, plus, of course, Kaaya on offense, I think you can chalk up a winning record in the ACC for us this year.

Think ACC Championship some time late this decade, maybe a bowl win or two, and we're talking BCS by 2020 or so.

We're approaching the chrysalis stage, you should start seeing things metamorphize into a winning record. Maybe. If not this year, then assuredly by next. Or 2017.

LMAOOOOO at the incompetence and delusion of OP. The blind Golden homers are the dumbest group of "fans" in the country.
Firing Day is 63 away.

We may be crying now,


but happiness is just around the bend.

If he goes 5-0 in the next month then I'd be satisfied.... When the rest of the games as well. Beating Fsu , Clemson is a must for me. We get by those two and we might really go undefeated in the regular season. Unc, va tech, ga tech don't look good and Duke has made leaps from what they were years ago.


There seems to be alot of jesting in this thread, but I wholeheartedly believe that this is the year that we start to see the results of the process. Now that we're starting to be able to see from out from behind the cloud, and the type of depth we can have with a greater compliment of Golden players on defense, plus, of course, Kaaya on offense, I think you can chalk up a winning record in the ACC for us this year.

Think ACC Championship some time late this decade, maybe a bowl win or two, and we're talking BCS by 2020 or so.

We're approaching the chrysalis stage, you should start seeing things metamorphize into a winning record. Maybe. If not this year, then assuredly by next. Or 2017.
Man gtfoh with your trolling a**.... Talking about an Acc championship late this decade or maybe a bowl game win or 2. Miami has the talent to win it this year
I think if Golden wins more than 6 games with what is turning out to be a creme puff schedule and losing 7 NFL caliber players, the administration should give Al a blank check to purchase more ***** machines. Clearly these machines will be what caused the improvement because the only thing Golden has done differently this year is to add ***** machines to the training regimen. In fact, we should all show our support of ***** machines by raising money to fly a banner saying something like "Golden makes the team better with ******! #morehomoeroticphotoshoots "
We gon win da gamez cuz borck and corch sayz so.

Even if we 4real jus get to almost beatin fsu and clemson I suport coach cuz he da coach u know?

We haven seen enuf, it's lyke coach culd do it if we give him time fahreal.

Stop spectin winz so bad, u jus makin it worse wit da playas, dey need r suport not anger.
It's amazing how much time Hecht employees spend posting on these boards.
We're in year 5 of a 10 year process. Sure, lots of successful coaches can come into a program and excel quickly, but Golden isn't trying for some quick fix. He wants to build the foundation of something truly great. Something akin to when he was a player at Penn State.

Did Joe Pa and his assistants believe in easy answers? Nope. They knew that true greatness came when you stripped yourself down and took the hard path, repeatedly.
That's the type of thing that turns boys into men, and programs into dynasties.

Golden is all about doing this the right way, and, in his experience, the right way isn't about asking questions: questions like, why can't we beat any teams worth a ****, why the **** don't you fire an inept defensive coordinator, or, why is coach spending so much time in the locker room with those kids?


That is just outstanding work.
I don't think the administration has any way forward here. If we win the ACC and beat FSU, he will stay. He may stay with less than that... With the first loss next year, most of this fan base will again call for his head. The standard at Miami is high. Donofrio will NEVER be accepted here. NEVER. The coaching situation will eventually hurt recruiting if it hasn't already. The best possible outcome from the future of this program would be a mediocre season (however that is defined) and a coaching change. Anything else will be an ongoing issue and will further bring down the program.
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