Chrissy Lykes

Oct 3, 2017
Already a fan favorite will make teams constantly wonder how to stop his game. They won't because most teams have never seen anything like it. The kid has a variety of moves great balance and skill and can shoot from a far distance. Should help other teammates as he will draw more and more attention.
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This team is gonna be a nightmare to deal with once both Lykes and Walker get fully acclimated to the college level.
Please stop calling him Chrissy.

It's very very common to call players last names with a attached Y in basketball. I guarantee you he is not just being called Chrissy by me. And if you have a problem with that you can jump in the lake.

Right. You said their last name with a y attached. So Lykesy. Chrissy is a female's name. No need to jump in the lake. Doubt he's being called Chrissy by many people.
Please stop calling him Chrissy.

It's very very common to call players last names with a attached Y in basketball. I guarantee you he is not just being called Chrissy by me. And if you have a problem with that you can jump in the lake.

If everyone besides you has a problem with it don't jump in lake, just don't call him that. Thought you were going to mock him before opening this thread.
