Chase Smith is not hurt


In what world is this targeting lol
There was nothing Moten could've done differently there other than laying down and hoping the dude tripped over him. BS targeting.
No question. If he had actually “targeted” him up high with the crown of his helmet the GT kid would have been in a very, very bad way. Did you see what happened to the McCall kid at NCSU earlier this year?
That was targeting but Horton getting his jersey pulled off running a go route is not holding. I mean when you can see the shoulder pad that should clue you in that holding was taking place. Big call that was missed early in that game and that drive was killed.
Fill the Sleeves!

(Then again we have some speed on O that we rarely see for one reason or another)
Some speed on O, but Johnson is useless as a FB player so that negates him. Restrepo and Arroyo can open up in space. George isn't slow. Williams, Fletcher and Martinez are in cement shoes in space.

On defense those boys are LUMBERING. 3-4 'fast' guys: Bissainthe, Aguirre, Frederique all look fast in 30y. Guys are getting slower by the day though ie. Bain, Baron is stiff stiff stiff, Maui, Powell, Harris...

So what gives for Miami re speed? Mario's practice / recovery plan?
Feld's everything? Small handful of developed players + combine results being poor.