Chase Ford impressing early with the Eagles

Wouldn't surprise me. The NFL has turned into a Flag Football league. Chase would be a great 7 on 7 flag player.
Doesn't surprise me a bit. Under the last couple of coaching regimes, NO one was developed properly!
They will begin full contact practices today (saturday) which is where Ford struggles. He's not a good blocker or physical in any facet of the game. Looking good in practice without contacts and just helmets for him is not a surprise to me.
Not at all surprised, as he is tall, athletic and can really run. Today's NFL TE has become a glamour positionn and if you can run and catch, you're a weapon. Maybe with better coaching and QB'ng he could've been decent here. Hope he does really well.......except when they play the Giants.
As long as he's never expected to block (or just get in the way of a defensive player) he should do okay.
concur. Dude didn't show great hands here. And can't block. Tell me again....what makes him a good football player?