2023 Cedric “CJ” Baxter (c/o 2023)

I suspect 247 is salty over the Cormani commitment. They did not like looking the fool....

I've listened to Ivins on a couple of his Preps to Pros podcasts since then and he is still taking subtle digs at Miami. He was never like that.. He's is subtle about his insinuations that cormani changed his mind at the last minute but the implication is there..
Ivins was there when he silently committed to Miami. His fault for doubting Mario.

I suspect 247 is salty over the Cormani commitment. They did not like looking the fool....

I've listened to Ivins on a couple of his Preps to Pros podcasts since then and he is still taking subtle digs at Miami. He was never like that.. He's is subtle about his insinuations that cormani changed his mind at the last minute but the implication is there..
Ivins = Mega D Bag
How can stuff stay secret with social media and so many ppl
Seeing what recruits are at games unless he wore a disguise it would be known by now
How can stuff stay secret with social media and so many ppl
Seeing what recruits are at games unless he wore a disguise it would be known by now

It’s possible and they’ve done it a few times already.

+The writers can ask a kid if they want it to be known he was on campus.
+Recruit does not go to the area/tent in front of the stadium.
+Visit practice and skip the game (mid-week practices).

Ultimately, you’re right. This always gets out since someone sees them in the student section or at the stadium. The higher the profile and the more recognizable, the less chance you have of getting the visit to stay under the radar.

What the coaches don’t want, is for the media to **** around and blow it before the visit even happens.