CBS article

Stupidity in an equal opportunity employer. That article hits the nail on the head when it comes to polls and voting. Needs to be called out more often. Along with officiating.
Graham Couch admitted it was an oversight - although I would have to say you are pretty out of touch with CBB if you don't notice Miami defeating two ranked teams in one week in an ESPN televised tournament. No excuse for the other three schmucks. Leaving Utah ranked after losing to Miami, and leaving Miami unranked, is a whole new level of stupid.
If you look at the article, it has their emials. I suggest we let them know they're ******* retards (in a nice way of course).
I tweeted Couch

@doctordub20 4m4 minutes ago [MENTION=1994]Graham[/MENTION]_Couch will you rank Miami after they make the final 4? win the whole thing?

He immediately liked the tweet. I've tweeted and emailed the others.
They are all on twitter too. Couch responded and owned up to his mistake, sort of. Rooney is in Colorado and was likely blitzed out of his mind when he filled out his ballot. Mansch looks like a convicted child molester with prison issued glasses. And Elton Alexander is from Cleveland.

But in any case, it doesn't appear these individuals follow college basketball all that closely. Which in turn tells us how much stock we should be putting into this ****** poll.

Want some candy, little boy?
Rooney wrote me back. He said he was probably wrong in omitting Miami, but doesn't usually discuss his votes.