Cardiac Cane Syndrome, Welcome back to 1998...


Im a Political Refugee...
Nov 2, 2011
As I have been saying for weeks now, this is the 1998 team all over again. Lots of young talent, but not yet developed and easily unfocused.

Just like the KSU game reminded me of the Syracuse game, today reminded me of 1998 as well. Hot and cold, Hot and cold. I seriously thought I was going to stroke out today.

I still have high hopes for where this team is headed. We are 4-1, running strong in the ACC, with a VERY young team.

I swear to Gawd I have never seen a team do more to keep a team in the game than we did today. But that's how these things go. One game at a time, all that matters is we won. It was ugly, but **** it feels better than losing. I see progress, just inconsistency and lack of mental focus. That will improve over the next 2 years. If we can keep this squad healthy, not get raped by the NCAA, this is a top 10 team within 2 years and we will be in the MNC hunt.

Strap on your seat belts fellas, its going to be one **** of a roller coaster ride.

Or it can be 2000 and KSU can be our Washington and FSU can be our....FSU again. :drevil:
I wish to God that we were ready to be the 2000 team, but we arent. The 98 team was loaded with young talent, that might have been one of the youngest crop of super stars we have ever had. Santana, Reggie W, Dan Morgan, Nate Webster, Bubba Franks, Damione Lewis, Ed Reed, Joaquin Gonzalez, Edge, Najeh Davenport... the talent on that team was SICK ,but it was all very young, with the exception of Edge and Bubba Franks. So we got our @sses CRUSHED at cuse, and we had an UP and DOWN season, where each week was just like today, a total roller coaster of emotions where we were on fire, or we s*cked b@lls. But you could see the potential, and it was there, and when that team finally grew up, it rocked the world.

If Golden can just keep this team healthy, keep recruiting well, and not get raped by the NCAA, I feel like we are headed to another Canes renaissance. Slowly I see the signs, of the Phoenix rising again...
In another week where it seems we cant agree on anything about the game, this is some good stuff.

I'm right there with you.
That 98 team led way to the greatest team ever. So I'd take that comparison all day