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I’m cool with that too but I wouldn’t be having a melt down over running the ball when it has worked very well.
The runs work when the box is light, when they drop a safety you have one on one.. YOU HAVE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE.. thats what a good OC does.. When they adjust you take advantage..
we went from dogging our safety to being mad that he's hurt.

CIS gurus.
You new?

Come On Reaction GIF by CBC
as USC how your thought process works out

there's a middle ground

lashlee also had d'eriq king a QB who didn't turn it over 12 times in 4 games

and lashlee coudln't run the ball to save his life

dawson's offense provides the same benefit, we just need a QB to run it (i.e. tyler vs a top 10 defense in America - Texas A$&M)

Ask USC what?
Pretty much. Unless you are arguing Mario is a good game-day coach. I think he’s been proven otherwise pretty consistently this year. .500 career coach who played at Miami.
Man if we win is because of everyone on that field and if we lose is the same ****! Picking and choosing one way or the other is divisive and stupid!
Im still ****ed at our play calling on that series.

And I absolutely hate giving a carry to a guy who just busted a big run. That NEVER results in anything positive. WE gave three straight carries to Fletcher there.
Yeah it’s not like Don has like 80 yards in the first half or something
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