Canes vs. Child Molester coverupers

The old miss 2 FTs and they go down and hit a 3. Instead of being up 9 or 10, we're up 5 and their fans wake up. We dodged a bullet they ****ed up the fastbreak the next time down. Really need a bucket out of the TO to keep momentum.
The old miss 2 FTs and they go down and hit a 3. Instead of being up 9 or 10, we're up 5 and their fans wake up. We dodged a bullet they ****ed up the fastbreak the next time down. Really need a bucket out of the TO to keep momentum.

This team wouldn't know prosperity if it hit them in the face
The old miss 2 FTs and they go down and hit a 3. Instead of being up 9 or 10, we're up 5 and their fans wake up. We dodged a bullet they ****ed up the fastbreak the next time down. Really need a bucket out of the TO to keep momentum.

This team wouldn't know prosperity if it hit them in the face
The moderators will eventually suspend you from this site. You are a classic troll and worthless.
Canes up 36-28 at half

Newton actually had a good first half. Is Huell even on the team (I know he is, I saw him on the bench). Need Brown in the 2nd half. Reed, Newton and Aussie carried us in the first.
Canes up 36-28 at half

Newton actually had a good first half. Is Huell even on the team (I know he is, I saw him on the bench). Need Brown in the 2nd half. Reed, Newton and Aussie carried us in the first.

You may not see Huell much moving forward this season. He's gotten lost on both ends on quite a few occasions. Might roll with a 7 man rotation moving forward.
White is hitting tough shots, I'll leave and die with the shots he's taking