Cam Ward: We are a player-led team, and it showed up tonight

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Oct 13, 2011
Cam Ward had a whirlwind night, turning the ball over three times but compiling 500 total yards, 5 TDs and a comeback win. He met with reporters to discuss the game:

On what he was feeling during the review: Just pain. I ain't got no control of the game. Leave it up to the white hat. That's a position you don’t want to be in. But the ball was on our side today. I'm just glad we got a win.

On the turnovers: It was nothing they did on defense. It was all correctables by myself...

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USF and VT gave the rest of the conference the blueprint on how to beat us.
TOs **** near beat us and lack of defense pass rush. Make the proper adjustments n run establish the run early. Try not to rely on CW all the **** time. We will be okay. Stop the poor *** tackling. We need bain back n the left tackle. I think we might be okay 👌
Cam knows what's up..we could play exactly the same *** level on D and if he doesn't hero ball a couple of those turnovers we win easily...he knows that **** on him.
And we still won lol
USF and VT gave the rest of the conference the blueprint on how to beat us.

Don’t turn the ball over and these games are much easier. They didn’t give run an exotic defense that confused Ward, he just made dumb throws. Took at least 14 pts off the board. Blueprint is same that UF had. We were locked in then. Been sloppy last two games.
Cam need to sprinkle in some graham mertz in his game😂😂😂😂, dude be looking for the highlight reel all the time. Hit that check down 😂😂😂.
USF and VT gave the rest of the conference the blueprint on how to beat us.

There's a "blueprint" for how to beat every team in the country. That doesn't mean it's easy to do.

If Cam takes care of the ball, we play a relatively clean game, and we aren't too decimated by injuries, then blueprint or not there's nobody on our remaining schedule who should beat us.

But sure, if we give teams like VT or Louisville the opportunity, we can and probably will lose games.