I sat right in the Cal Alumni old money section. 40 yard line, 20 rows up from the Cal bench. Largely respectful folks. Most were just happy to see their stadium full for the first time in ~15 years. (quite the turnout by the Cal faithful - Impressive scene).
There was a group of kids from the Marin Catholic JV football team sitting right behind me. Before the game they were lightly heckling me and my buddy saying that Cal's D was gonna throttle Cam Ward. At one point they all looked at me and did the upside down U. I took a pic of them and told them this is the "before pic," and said I expect them to pose for the After pic when the Canes roll.
They were polite kids but got a little bit aggressive to the point where my buddy turned around and told them to chill out, and they did. Again these were respectful kids, but I was in a section of "golden level alums."
My seats:
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The Before pic:
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As promised.... THE AFTER PIC.
View attachment 306238
A great night. All in good fun IMO.