Cal Fans' Behavior


Nov 4, 2017
Not a frequent poster here, but seeing some anecdotal reports on social media, etc of Cal fans' unruly behavior targeted towards Miami fans. Thought about screenshotting what I've seen (with the user blurred) but decided against that.

Fans who were there, were Cal fans unruly?

Not a frequent poster here, but seeing some anecdotal reports on social media, etc of Cal fans' unruly behavior targeted towards Miami fans. Thought about screenshotting what I've seen (with the user blurred) but decided against that.

Fans who were there, were Cal fans unruly?
Nope. All that I encountered were respectful.

With user blurred out? Um ok
Meant to say with the name of the person blurred out in the social media post. Not that we're sharing secrets or anything but always feel that's the right thing to do when posting in an open forum. Unless of course we're talking about a post from a public figure.
I sat right in the Cal Alumni old money section. 40 yard line, 20 rows up from the Cal bench. Largely respectful folks. Most were just happy to see their stadium full for the first time in ~15 years. (quite the turnout by the Cal faithful - Impressive scene).

There was a group of kids from the Marin Catholic JV football team sitting right behind me. Before the game they were lightly heckling me and my buddy saying that Cal's D was gonna throttle Cam Ward. At one point they all looked at me and did the upside down U. I took a pic of them and told them this is the "before pic," and said I expect them to pose for the After pic when the Canes roll.

They were polite kids but got a little bit aggressive to the point where my buddy turned around and told them to chill out, and they did. Again these were respectful kids, but I was in a section of "golden level alums."

My seats:

My Cal Game Seats.jpg

The Before pic:

Marin Catholic Kids Before Pic.jpg

As promised.... THE AFTER PIC. :)

Marin Catholic Kids AFTER Pic.jpg

A great night. All in good fun IMO.
I sat right in the Cal Alumni old money section. 40 yard line, 20 rows up from the Cal bench. Largely respectful folks. Most were just happy to see their stadium full for the first time in ~15 years. (quite the turnout by the Cal faithful - Impressive scene).

There was a group of kids from the Marin Catholic JV football team sitting right behind me. Before the game they were lightly heckling me and my buddy saying that Cal's D was gonna throttle Cam Ward. At one point they all looked at me and did the upside down U. I took a pic of them and told them this is the "before pic," and said I expect them to pose for the After pic when the Canes roll.

They were polite kids but got a little bit aggressive to the point where my buddy turned around and told them to chill out, and they did. Again these were respectful kids, but I was in a section of "golden level alums."

My seats:

View attachment 306235

The Before pic:

View attachment 306237

As promised.... THE AFTER PIC. :)

View attachment 306238

A great night. All in good fun IMO.

We sat nearby you. We had a couple of drunk Cal guys who were totally obnoxious and another one who taught his son to flash the upside down U. Got tiresome after a while. Most were good people but there was a small group of Cal fans who were super obnoxious. Made it feel all the more satisfying when we came back and beat their ***.

One thing I also noticed was the entire town smells like weed. No matter where we walked it was just present in the air. Those drunk belligerent fans could have used a puff or two.
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I was in the T-section immediately adjacent to A large student section. They were obviously very hyped about their Teams performance. They were going nuts like we would be going nuts. All dancing and doing the upside down you in unison. Yelling a bunch of crap. All good stuff. What I didn’t understand was randomly throwing cans of beer down toward the field, half the time hitting their own fans.

Of course, things got real strange when we started putting points on the board.