The coach-speak sound bytes are ringing hollow right now...but they have games left to play, so he's gotta issue these kinda statements to keep things from spiraling further. He's a rah-rah mr. positivity guy, so anything else would be out of character. I wouldn't read this as "he doesn't get it". I'm pretty certain, he knows the gravity of the situation.
It has to be glaringly obvious even to him this morning, that he needs to pull the trigger here. Here's to hoping he and D'Nofrio had "the talk" last night at greentree. It's extremely unlikely he's gonna can his pal with a couple games left-- he's not Pat Haden. I wish he were. No place for "friendship" when you have a job to do, and Golden has too much is riding on this for something like this to get in the way.
If he doesn't zip him at the conclusion of the season, then Golden is as much of the problem as his DC. And they both need to go.
Always hate these dumb as **** posts. What do you expect the ************ to say?
Golden - "Well, its obvious we ******* suck and my ability to coach is in question. Our players quit and most of them are subpar. I'm calling Dorito tonight so I can fire him cause its obvious he has no ******* clue. Next question?" speak is all he has right now.
The coach-speak sound bytes are ringing hollow right now...but they have games left to play, so he's gotta issue these kinda statements to keep things from spiraling further. He's a rah-rah mr. positivity guy, so anything else would be out of character. I wouldn't read this as "he doesn't get it". I'm pretty certain, he knows the gravity of the situation.
It has to be glaringly obvious even to him this morning, that he needs to pull the trigger here. Here's to hoping he and D'Nofrio had "the talk" last night at greentree. It's extremely unlikely he's gonna can his pal with a couple games left-- he's not Pat Haden. I wish he were. No place for "friendship" when you have a job to do, and Golden has too much is riding on this for something like this to get in the way.
If he doesn't zip him at the conclusion of the season, then Golden is as much of the problem as his DC. And they both need to go.