Braxton Berrios isn’t a Tameable Beast

"guysss I dont like to air out a bunch of dirty details..." (turns on camera, films, uploads to internet for the whole world to view)
Haha. Exactly. Deion must be her actual biological father.

That lean cut ain’t cooking right if there isn’t a little bit of fat…
You are saying that steak has to have a little fat or marbling for the juiciest cuts?....................I agree.
Paranos likes his the other way around............bring on the marbling......
steak GIF
Forgive Macho, as he grew up on Poison Clan, UGK, Too Short and Trick Daddy...

But why THE FVCK are you an attractive, rich male athlete in the prime of his life....and you're going public with ANY *****? Especially an "influencer".

Macho don't even go public with his b!tches and he's just a poor high school coach.
Literally NOTHING good comes of it.

Just look at this mutt for example...
Throwing him under the bus publicly on social media. Women can never just shut their mouths and move on. They need attention, validation and sympathy.
Meanwhile the breakup will be entirely their fault.

Sow your royal oats like Akeem, young man!
Stop being a MF'ing simp.

PS - Rest in peace Kevin Samuels

Prayer GIF
Forgive Macho, as he grew up on Poison Clan, UGK, Too Short and Trick Daddy...

But why THE FVCK are you an attractive, rich male athlete in the prime of his life....and you're going public with ANY *****? Especially an "influencer".

Macho don't even go public with his b!tches and he's just a poor high school coach.
Literally NOTHING good comes of it.

Just look at this mutt for example...
Throwing him under the bus publicly on social media. Women can never just shut their mouths and move on. They need attention, validation and sympathy.
Meanwhile the breakup will be entirely their fault.

Sow your royal oats like Akeem, young man!
Stop being a MF'ing simp.

PS - Rest in peace Kevin Samuels

Prayer GIF

You're too close to the ****, man. Zoom out. All she is doing is marketing him as a full on ***** magnet. 50M additional impressions about how he slays. Girls love that. He's going to 4x this trade. All PR is good PR! :)
I'm a lot like agent zero as far as locker rooms are concerned.
Forgive Macho, as he grew up on Poison Clan, UGK, Too Short and Trick Daddy...

But why THE FVCK are you an attractive, rich male athlete in the prime of his life....and you're going public with ANY *****? Especially an "influencer".

Macho don't even go public with his b!tches and he's just a poor high school coach.
Literally NOTHING good comes of it.

Just look at this mutt for example...
Throwing him under the bus publicly on social media. Women can never just shut their mouths and move on. They need attention, validation and sympathy.
Meanwhile the breakup will be entirely their fault.

Sow your royal oats like Akeem, young man!
Stop being a MF'ing simp.

PS - Rest in peace Kevin Samuels

Prayer GIF
You're doing the lord's work.
She looks like one of them hos that make gym videos of themselves squatting in booty shorts, then when people are gawking, they have a fit because, "they are objectifying me!"

***** you only care because they ain't shoving dollar bills down your thong. Get run through ho beast. 😁
She looks like one of them hos that make gym videos of themselves squatting in booty shorts, then when people are gawking, they have a fit because, "they are objectifying me!"

***** you only care because they ain't shoving dollar bills down your thong. Get run through ho beast. 😁

Wow, you can tell all that from an instagram picture? You should work for the NSA.
Alix Earle was on the Stern Show this morning and said she is "dating around". Never mentioned Honey Nuts.

I would have expected Bababooey to pick up on it, since he's a big Jets fan...
Forgive Macho, as he grew up on Poison Clan, UGK, Too Short and Trick Daddy...

But why THE FVCK are you an attractive, rich male athlete in the prime of his life....and you're going public with ANY *****? Especially an "influencer".

Macho don't even go public with his b!tches and he's just a poor high school coach.
Literally NOTHING good comes of it.

Just look at this mutt for example...
Throwing him under the bus publicly on social media. Women can never just shut their mouths and move on. They need attention, validation and sympathy.
Meanwhile the breakup will be entirely their fault.

Sow your royal oats like Akeem, young man!
Stop being a MF'ing simp.

PS - Rest in peace Kevin Samuels

Prayer GIF
Be careful coach!! This board is filled with white knights and simps that have zero options and believe they will get to wife up these women if they hang around long enough.

Ps. Need to throw a little Shy D in that list!!
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