Blaming the players

What makes Miami different than 2000 LSU? As if you can differentiate the difference between 5 years of Gerry Dinardo and 5 years of Manny Diaz. They both were left as ****ty shells of a program. Also, Nick Saban doubled his salary making the jump to LSU and was seen as a big move by LSU at the time because they were seen as FINALLY SPENDING BIG for a top coach. At the time he was only the FOURTH head coach that made over a million dollars a year (Bowden, Spurrier, and Fulmer the other three). Its very similar to Miami's situation. We don't know how far off Mario will finish from Saban's 8-4. That's a prediction that a lot of people on this very forum made.

If you want to make that analogy to 2000 lsu, go ahead. If we do end up winning 8 games, I’m happy to go back on my word and praise Mario. It would mean he did something significant during the year to get there. We’re a long way away from that imo
A Sandlot football game?

We'd beat the crap out of a lot of teams.

In Sandlot - your players and QB are able to do what they know they're good at.

You let a Yankee kid start calling his plays - the whole thing goes **** up.
Can be argued either way i suppose but when you can’t reach an already low bar, that’s pretty bad.

Regardless, it’s like comparing which **** smells worse.

And btw, I’d be thrilled if we only lost 5 games.
I don’t think we will lose more than that. It seems bleak but I think we can hopefully get some changes from everyone involved and win at least 7.
I don’t think we will lose more than that. It seems bleak but I think we can hopefully get some changes from everyone involved and win at least 7.

That’s why the UNC game is such a pivotal game in this season. It comes off a bye and if there was a time in the season to make real changes, it’s now. If the offense has similar struggles, we will be lucky to get to .500.
That’s why the UNC game is such a pivotal game in this season. It comes off a bye and if there was a time in the season to make real changes, it’s now. If the offense has similar struggles, we will be lucky to get to .500.
Very big game next week. We still have 8 games left on the schedule for progress to be shown. You're right, if the team continues to play like they have so far, we're going to potentially miss a bowel game.
If you want to make that analogy to 2000 lsu, go ahead. If we do end up winning 8 games, I’m happy to go back on my word and praise Mario. It would mean he did something significant during the year to get there. We’re a long way away from that imo

I get it. Things look really bad.

Teams tend to deviate back to the mean. Its unlikely we look worse than MTSU this year and we've got good games coming. Our win total was set at 8.5. If we get to 8, its still an expected under total that takes an unexpected L like MTSU into play.
Whenever I think about the question of coaching vs talent, I always ask myself if we coincidentally recruited all the 4 stars that suck? I know we have a 55% blue chip ratio which seems to be a big deal. Or is it that we don’t put them in the best position to win/coach em up? Is it a combination of both? That being said we should never lose to an mtsu.
Whenever I think about the question of coaching vs talent, I always ask myself if we coincidentally recruited all the 4 stars that suck? I know we have a 55% blue chip ratio which seems to be a big deal. Or is it that we don’t put them in the best position to win/coach em up? Is it a combination of both? That being said we should never lose to an mtsu.
We have some busts. The odds of every blue chip player being a bust is... well it isn't the case here. We're clearly doing less with more and have been for nearly two decades now. Yet we still have fans with every new staff that want to blame the players. We've hired terrible coach after terrible coach for 20 years. You'd think more people here would be able to realize what is good and bad coaching, when players aren't being used properly, etc. Clearly that isn't the case.
Best pesto is Vigneto's in Plantation @SWFLHurricane
Nah....Mine is better...Why you ask??...because I use Pistachio Nuts instead of Pine nuts....Pine nuts are wayyyy to overpowering. Sorry so long to respond...I've been literally in tears all day surveying the Catastrophic conditions my friends are going through in Cape Coral.....Andrew X me....absolutely horrifying.
Nah....Mine is better...Why you ask??...because I use Pistachio Nuts instead of Pine nuts....Pine nuts are wayyyy to overpowering. Sorry so long to respond...I've been literally in tears all day surveying the Catastrophic conditions my friends are going through in Cape Coral.....Andrew X me....absolutely horrifying.
Sorry to hear of those conditions. I remember 1992 well.
I'm not a huge pesto sauce guy... I think I only like it with a small percentage of pesto, since I'm more an alfredo guy. I suspect our guy @SWFLHurricane has some excellent recipes for both.
Pistachio Nuts instead of Pine nuts....learned that yrs ago. Pecorino Romano Cheese is the norm...but I always go against the grain and use Parmesan.
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If you're still an individual that blames the players, you need to stop posting here. Instead, download some brain training apps, or start reading more, just do anything to improve your cognitive ability.

The fact that we are in 2022 and people still blame the players and make excuses for staff members is just baffling.

I've seen far too many people all season pointing fingers at players saying they're terrible, excusing coaches constantly. Your posts would be more productive if you just typed in "I'm an idiot" and copied and pasted it 1,000 times. I'd rather scroll a little longer each page due to that than see some of you all compete to see who has an IQ closest to room temperature.

If you blame the players, just stop, you need help.
I don't think you've been appointed arbiter of who can and cannot post.
I came out of my hiatus to say this...

Yea, you really no professor.
Or professional.
Or whatever "TheProf" in your name means, you still ain't it.

Your post suxand so are the players you're sticking up for.

I'm going back to my hiatus. Yall some dumb *** cornball *** mfers. Like the coaches telling TVD hey miss that wide open guy, or hey Flagg, go out there and block yourself out of the play or Ivey go suck some more. Like really... coaches get blame but there's so much that they can do (except Gattis get that ninja tf outta here frfr)
So no need to reply, I'm not gonna respond to you or any poRst that you make right now. Downvote me all u want, dont care, I need more downvotes. You normally post better than this but deadass TF.... THIS WAS STUPID.
Back on my hiatus.

Again, you soft shouldered crybaby *** ninjas got it
Beautiful baby. Yea our all America players looked so much better last year under Diaz and the “schemes”
Yeah, so much more logical to blame a coaching staff four games into taking over a program that has averaged 7-5 every year the past 16 seasons (went into season 118-85 since the 2005 Peach Bowl, 28-24 since Richt's 10-0 start in 2017 and 21-15 under Diaz—which could've easily been 11-25 if King and Van Dyke didn't play out of their minds; beat NCST, Pitt and GT by combined 8 points last year—beat UVA, Pitt and V-Tech by combined 9 points in '21.)

C'mom now. Program three years removed from losing to FIU, getting beat at Duke by double-digits and shut out in bowl game by Louisiana Tech. Players are still posting images on social media from individual plays in lopsided losses; wearing jewelry while Alabama, Clemson and North Carolina were kicking they teeth in.

This program has been loaded with lazy, entitled clowns for years—and you get these two quotes after losing to Middle Tennessee State last week:

“We… I say we, everybody, because we’re all in this together. We looked at that team ‘Oh, we’re gonna win this game’,” said offensive lineman Jalen Rivers postgame. “So we came in obviously unmotivated, kinda slow and we had to ramp things back up when we got punched in the mouth.”

There was also center Jakai Clark, who stated, “We weren’t as locked in as we should have been pregame. During the week we had a good week of practice, but pregame…me personally, I feel as though we weren’t as locked in as we should have been,” while also calling his team’s attitude “lethargic”.

You have Stevenson blogging about having zero clue why Miami lost or where it went wrong, telling the head coach:

“I talked with coach Cristobal on Sunday before a team meeting, he just ran into me. He just asked me, `What happened? What do you think happened?’ I said I don’t know, you just have to get back to the drawing board and see the holes that we’re missing and we just have to start plugging them in with the right players and the right mindset. He thought I had an answer, but the answer is `I don’t know, coach, we just have to get back to work, figure out what went wrong, where the holes are and keep working and try to improve in those areas.’”

You think the coaching staff wasn't up their asses to be on guard against MTSU after the aTm loss—yet Clark and Rivers still talking about not being ready to play?

Did coaches throw two interceptions (including a pick-six) to start the game, followed by a fumble on the next drive? Are coaches out there staring down receivers and not going through progressions? Throwing balls behind receivers who can't get open against a scrub defenders?

Coaches are to blame for the defense giving up 507 yards and getting beat on deep touchdown of 69, 71 and 98 yards—and an 89-yarder that led to a score?

These coaches are hardly knocking the cover off the ball, but ridiculous to say players don't deserve their share of the blame—especially in an NIL era where they're now taking a check for services rendered.

A lot of blame to spread around and these players need to have more heart and pride than was shown last week.

Coaches shouldn't have to "motivate" these donkeys to merely "show up" to play a MTSU team rolling in looking for an upset. The entitled mindset amongst these players is cancerous and has been for almost two decades now.
Oh man I like it !
You simply can't comprehend what I've seen.
Hopefully many will be able to rebuild. For those who cannot, I wish them the best, but also know that it will be difficult going forward.

I monitor the power outages. About 60% have been restored overall.

However, the % of outages in Charlotte and Lee remain quite high (over 70%). This suggests many structures are not able to be restored.
Thanks, my man. I'm going to try that... and maybe the parmesan cheese, too. I had a feeling you'd have a couple neat suggestions.
I love Pesto....but Pine Nuts are very overpowering. I learned about Pistachios many yrs ago from an Executive Chef. Pecorino Romano is fantastic...don't get me wrong...I just prefer Parmesan's not as sharp.