At this rate, does it look bad for the upcoming season

The people in charge here banned travel from
China on Jan. 31st and was called racist. Actually the dem reaction was called a hoax, not the virus.
"The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus," Trump said. "One of my people came up to me and said, 'Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.' That did not work out too well. They could not do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. ... They tried anything. ... And this is their new hoax."

These are the presidents words
If those EU brain children had cut off flights from China like we did, this would be over. All these new infection in US is from those idiots, not the other way. We had this long before my cousins in Italy had their first case. The mistake we made was not shutting all the borders down when we closed off China. We basically got a second wave from Europe. Now they are dropping like flies despite their single payer health care. They have a disaster on their hands because they didn't have the balls to offend their Chinese Overlords.

PS. I made mistake. It looks like Italy actually might have band flights from China about the same time as us. We did have a confirmed case before them. They do have large Chinese population in Italy so if their band was like ours, those people might have been allowed to continue to return. I could have slandered my cousins. I felt my Blessed mother slap the back of my head and did extra research. She was dangerous enough to **** off when alive, since passed, all those Rosaries have made offending her deadly. Sorry, Mom.
Gator it is not a blame game.....who, where, what, when....
Pandemic means worldwide, so it is everyone shouldering the blame, and fixing the **** thing if possible...through tests or a vaccine.
Looking for who did what is useless, and a waste of time.
Gator it is not a blame game.....who, where, what, when....
Pandemic means worldwide, so it is everyone shouldering the blame, and fixing the **** thing if possible...through tests or a vaccine.
Looking for who did what is useless, and a waste of time.
Oh, I am strong believer in my personal life it that old saying "**** happens". The post I replied to implied that US was tail end charlie in this so felt the need to defend home court. It came from China and as long as it didn't escape from that military lab that is not their fault. However, their keeping it secret makes the liable for how bad it got.

One thing, you might not have intended it but you implying that tests somehow might "fix" it is political because it has been made political. Test have many uses but they are not a cure or even a treatment. They will dictate who gets whatever treatment comes up and once there are enough, be useful in modeling predictions. We have taken measures far beyond what any test results would lead to. The biggest use now will be maybe some early warning of new hot spots to redirect efforts and supplies, and more usefully, identify those who survive who can then be donors for blood to turn into serum for possible treatment.
There won’t be an economy by September at this rate.
The tenuous social agreement we all are working with right now won’t last til September. At some point the general public is going to assess the 1% chance of dying from Rona as less risky than the 100% chance of losing their home.
The tenuous social agreement we all are working with right now won’t last til September. At some point the general public is going to assess the 1% chance of dying from Rona as less risky than the 100% chance of losing their home.
Agree. This moment probably comes next week.
Younger people DO engage in more high risk behavior, though. Like crowding on the beaches during a pandemic, thinking they are invincible.

It is also true that many people become more conservative as they age. In the 1960's and early 1970's, I used to have the same contempt for older people that you demonstrate now. It was my generation that employed the phrase, "Never trust anyone over thirty."

Unfortunately, not enough of the boomer generation matured; many stayed adolescent mentally and emotionally and raised a generation of entitled and irresponsible offspring.
Young kids are much more risky. See Miami Beach. I can’t believe spring break went on as planned but I guess the tourism dollar was more important than health. For now.
but those risky kids won’t die. Their conservative parents and grandparents will Because the kids will pass it on to the. And if that happens a million times, then the virus will literally have changed the demographic of the country and the voting electorate.
I did not know it had a two week lifespan, I had actually heard of it was on a surface such as a door **** it could be contagious for 18 hours.

I am more concerned that we have asymptomatic people walking around spreading this and the cat is out of the bag, we will eventually all contract this. Even if we observe social distancing and quarantine ourselves for the next 30 days, eventually - hopefully - we will return to “normal” life, but we seemingly inevitably will encounter some ******* somewhere who did not follow recommended instructions and who perpetuates its spread.

That’s because it doesn’t have a two week lifespan. No virus can sit out in the open air for two weeks and remain contagious. But people repeat and believe what they hear, so what can you do...? 🤷‍♂️
I can confirm this. I was in South America (Cartagena and Cusco) until last Friday afternoon after about 9 days abroad. When I landed in the airport in Cusco, Peru (with, maybe, 10 gates total) from Bogota early morning on 3/9, everyone was getting their temperature taken with an infrared thermometer prior to being allowed entry. When I landed in MIA late in the afternoon on 3/13, I was shocked to just stroll right through customs without anyone taking my (or anyone else's) temperature.

I have family and friends working at Airports cross the country. A few in Chicago and a few in LA. The first couple of weeks into March, we were not screening international passengers for the virus at all.

Argued this weeks back and Trump blowhards couldn’t get out of their own way. We have been incompetent in regards to screening and testing. Our numbers will shoot through the roof once we finally implement a system that makes sense.
That’s because it doesn’t have a two week lifespan. No virus can sit out in the open air for two weeks and remain contagious. But people repeat and believe what they hear, so what can you do...? 🤷‍♂️

The 1918-19 flu came in three waves. Not sure when we'll actually be able to say "It's over."
The tenuous social agreement we all are working with right now won’t last til September. At some point the general public is going to assess the 1% chance of dying from Rona as less risky than the 100% chance of losing their home.

The way it should have been to start with
I have family and friends working at Airports cross the country. A few in Chicago and a few in LA. The first couple of weeks into March, we were not screening international passengers for the virus at all.

Argued this weeks back and Trump blowhards couldn’t get out of their own way. We have been incompetent in regards to screening and testing. Our numbers will shoot through the roof once we finally implement a system that makes sense.

No because our weak link has been coaching. Other teams coach players up and prepare better than Miami.

so this helps even things out
Until the US does what Spain. Italy and France are doing by locking everyone down this thing will linger. Unfortunately the US is always the last to catch on. :(

dude, what on Earth are you talking about? The US is last to " catch on" to what???
And thats when everyones grandparents keel over and die from it too.

The problem with America in a time of world-wide crisis, is all americans think about themselves first, not the greater good. The reason China and South Korea have been able to get on top of this bull**** is because they didn't bother hoping their people would listen to their 'stay inside' warnings... they just made them do so with force.

Its a shame its come to this, but it happens. We all really need to really just do our part and limit contact until the numbers stop rising.

At this point ima be super ****ed off if these butt **** kids on clearwater beach are part of the reason we dont have a football season, but I can see that absolutely happening right now.

Just follow directions, and do your part. Don't be like Italy. You can see what taking the **** out of the situation gets you.

shut the **** up idiot.