Antonio Crawford


Nov 18, 2011
Does anyone have a senior highlight of him? Alot of posters are excited about him and think he will be a star. I haven't really seen him play. What should we expect out of him?
As starved as we are for dynamic play makers, I hope to God he has the mind set to take this op and kill it on the field
Kid has the speed and the physical nature to get on the field right away. Maybe as a return guy, maybe a slot corner, who knows maybe even a little offense? Doubtful but he is one that should make an early arrival on the field in some way.
Kid was a steal in my opinion, played for a very good high school team & coach. Not sure why he was rated so low by some of the recruiting services? One of my dark horse picks for early playing time next year. Can't teach speed!
Kid was a steal in my opinion, played for a very good high school team & coach. Not sure why he was rated so low by some of the recruiting services? One of my dark horse picks for early playing time next year. Can't teach speed!

Its because none of the big 3 were recruiting him. FSU and UiF have been stocking up on DBs so they werent after him and we were late to the party as well. Kid is more talented than plenty of the 4 star DBs that we have seen the last few years. The most laughable star evaluation of the season came from Crawford. Literally there was an article about him where he was listed at 5'11 and drew rave reviews. Someone questioned Bakas and the writer of the article(cant remember who) why if he was so highly thought of, was he ranked so low?

Within a few posts the kid shrunk an inch and a half. It was embarrassing on the side of the people who rank these kids.
He's one of my favorite recruits in this class. Good enough size, above average speed and he made plenty of plays in high school on both sides of the ball. It will be nice having some DB's with ball skills for once.
hopefully it translates, because vaughn telemaque had ball skills out the *** in high school but we haven't seen that.
He's one of my favorite recruits in this class. Good enough size, above average speed and he made plenty of plays in high school on both sides of the ball. It will be nice having some DB's with ball skills for once.
hopefully it translates, because vaughn telemaque had ball skills out the *** in high school but we haven't seen that.

True story
My favorite underrated recruit from this class (and there are a lot that I am a big fan of - Briscoe, Witt, etc.).

He has the potential to be elite IMO. Will be one of the top 2 DBs from this class along with Tracy Howard
He's one of my favorite recruits in this class. Good enough size, above average speed and he made plenty of plays in high school on both sides of the ball. It will be nice having some DB's with ball skills for once.
hopefully it translates, because vaughn telemaque had ball skills out the *** in high school but we haven't seen that.

agree but have more confidence that the current staff can develop players. If what they were able to do with Jacory is any indication I am really excited about prospects moving forward
Lulz at the first play on the film, the defender took a pursuit angle to the back of the endzone. He wanted no part of contact.
Kid was a steal in my opinion, played for a very good high school team & coach. Not sure why he was rated so low by some of the recruiting services? One of my dark horse picks for early playing time next year. Can't teach speed!

I agree, i like him better than any DB in this class!
He's one of my favorite recruits in this class. Good enough size, above average speed and he made plenty of plays in high school on both sides of the ball. It will be nice having some DB's with ball skills for once.
hopefully it translates, because vaughn telemaque had ball skills out the *** in high school but we haven't seen that.

agree but have more confidence that the current staff can develop players. If what they were able to do with Jacory is any indication I am really excited about prospects moving forward

Harris is one player and he benefitted from a philosophical change coaching wise IMO. using him as an example of player dvelopment is a poor choice.

I see all these comments about crawford but have any of you seen him in person or watched an entire game play for play? Just curious.