Another Stand-up Move By Rick (and Manny)

Opportunities! You might wanna take a look at all of the "College" graduates around the country that are in hundreds of thousands of dollars in dept and can't even get a decent job with their fancy degrees. I respect what you're saying, but I strongly disagree, many leaders and great people throughout history without a college education. College education is extremely overrated.

You can point to the cherry picked statistics you hear in the media all you want, you do you, buddy. If you compare the data on the return on investment for a college education for the millions who made it to those that don't, the data is still overwhelming, especially for minorities. I repeat, especially for minorities.
Do not disrespect OP and his very appropriate use of disirregardless. One must understand the context in which it is used.
I've always supported innovation and creativity and if that means inventing and immediately adopting new words I'm for it. We need our own lexicon that continuously grows as we go along. If it means we now get rid of undesirables, the politically correct and Bernie supporters by "banding" them, so be it.

Some unfamiliar with our website will think that means we require them to register for Band class, put on a uniform, and check out a French Horn and beginner's music booklet (Chuck Todd's true calling, the French Horn and not the crap he's doing now). No.

It's all about us inventing Cane's English (not King's but Cane's).

This is now my chance, after all these years, to get back at that English teacher at Nautilus Junior High on the Beach, Mr. Sutter, the man who really didn't have a chin, but folds of tissue, cascading from his mouth to his neck, for insisting that I decide on proper usage MY way and not some conventional rule.

****, wish I had my junior high yearbook just to prove to you what his chin was like.

His many micro-folds of chin-like tissue rivaled the multi-neck pattern that was displayed by football historian Beano Cook (whom they should bring back and pair with Sonny Hirsch and two ventriloquists.) Beano had a pulsating and throbbing set of necks, not one like most people, but multiple living and throbbing neck-like structures.

What Mr. Sutter was to mini-chins Beano was to necks.
Opportunities! You might wanna take a look at all of the "College" graduates around the country that are in hundreds of thousands of dollars in dept and can't even get a decent job with their fancy degrees. I respect what you're saying, but I strongly disagree, many leaders and great people throughout history without a college education. College education is extremely overrated.
College is ruining ng people now, esp liberal arts. Not educating but indoctrinating.
I've always supported innovation and creativity and if that means inventing and immediately adopting new words I'm for it. We need our own lexicon that continuously grows as we go along. If it means we now get rid of undesirables, the politically correct and Bernie supporters by "banding" them, so be it.

Some unfamiliar with our website will think that means we require them to register for Band class, put on a uniform, and check out a French Horn and beginner's music booklet (Chuck Todd's true calling, the French Horn and not the crap he's doing now). No.

It's all about us inventing Cane's English (not King's but Cane's).

This is now my chance, after all these years, to get back at that English teacher at Nautilus Junior High on the Beach, Mr. Sutter, the man who really didn't have a chin, but folds of tissue, cascading from his mouth to his neck, for insisting that I decide on proper usage MY way and not some conventional rule.

****, wish I had my junior high yearbook just to prove to you what his chin was like.

His many micro-folds of chin-like tissue rivaled the multi-neck pattern that was displayed by football historian Beano Cook (whom they should bring back and pair with Sonny Hirsch and two ventriloquists.) Beano had a pulsating and throbbing set of necks, not one like most people, but multiple living and throbbing neck-like structures.

What Mr. Sutter was to mini-chins Beano was to necks.

Supposebly Beano loved the turds, was always predicting NCs for them.
[QUOTE="TheMatador, post: 3942123His many micro-folds of chin-like tissue rivaled the multi-neck pattern that was displayed by football historian Beano Cook (whom they should bring back and pair with Sonny Hirsch and two ventriloquists.) Beano had a pulsating and throbbing set of necks, not one like most people, but multiple living and throbbing neck-like structures.

Still can’t get over how the Beano mask didn’t even fit properly on the guy who portrayed Beano on ESPN from about ‘92 on. They could’ve at least had the sense to tuck in the neck flaps.
I'd venture a guess that Rick probably isn't a Democrat (as which Demetrius is running) but is willing to publicly vouch for one of his guys while obviously also understanding that this kid would be an improvement over A TON of our state level politicians disirregardless of boiler plate ideology and partisan team politics.

Depending on who is running it is not unheard of for "Republicans" to crossover and vote "Democrat" if they are also social conservatives. Don't know much about Demetrius' views in this area, but I would venture a guess that he is probably a social conservative (e.g. traditional marriage, anti-abortion, religious leanings, etc.).
Yeah he’s setting the groundwork. He’s not going to win an election any time soon buts he’s getting experience and meeting the right people.
He 100% can win. I've been to some of his events and he clearly has a large segment of support in the neighborhood, and knows what it'll take to win. He's a lot more approachable than the current incumbent, and people know where to find him because he literally goes walking the neighborhood. He's not a young kid. He's graduating with a Masters in Public Administration, which literally makes him qualified for the role. He's been doing philanthropy in his area for a long time. Youth isn't a disqualifier.
Yeah he’s setting the groundwork. He’s not going to win an election any time soon buts he’s getting experience and meeting the right people.
Why can’t a young man African American , who played ball at the university of Miami (who was very good before his injury), with two degrees and whose been about his community since day 1 represent his community. A community that needs leadership. Why??? And not to mention he already has the connections, I’ve hear Donna is backing him along with others. What’s the problem ?