Another PWO - WR from Gibbons

We'll be in the CFP in no time 👍
Was this necessary? What if the young man came to this site and read what you wrote?
He is going to wake up for practices at 5:30am, then goes to school all day, then has to study, and does all this while paying full tuition? I find what he is doing to be impressive and I would be proud of him if he was my son.
Was this necessary? What if the young man came to this site and read what you wrote?
He is going to wake up for practices at 5:30am, then goes to school all day, then has to study, and does all this while paying full tuition? I find what he is doing to be impressive and I would be proud of him if he was my son.
People like to say kids now days have no drive, no motivation, don’t do what it takes to succeed but then when a kid does something honorable those same people don’t commend it. Sending your kid to college in itself is a proud moment. I hope this kid succeeds